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Comment Re:Some people are jerks (Score 1) 362

"First, let me say that I was talking about workplace harassment."

For a Roman Catholic Priest, the Church is his workplace, the congregation his customers, the Bishop is his management. For an extremely bad Roman Catholic Priest, it is a very bad idea for the customers to complain to the management about sex abuse. It is in fact the direct cause of the scandal, that the misconduct was reported to the Bishop and not to the police.

There is a lesson in that for any organization.

" People can always call the police (or file a lawsuit), and obviously if your organization covers for harassers then that's the next step. "

It is a safe assumption that all organizations WILL cover for the harassers, because as you point out,
"escalating to the courts is expensive, time-consuming, embarrassing" for the organization, and in the end, the organization only cares about what is profitable for the organization.

But if we fail to do it, we merely perpetuate the rape culture.

Comment Re:Some people are jerks (Score 1, Insightful) 362

#1, as the Roman Catholic Church proved royally, is a complete and utter error forever. You do NOT want your organization's management deciding if a victim can call the police.

#2, every illegal act that is a felony, should result in the loss of a job. Once again, it's law enforcement and the courts that should make that decision, not the good ole boy network in your management.

#3. The standard should be to call the police, each and every time. It is the only way to end rape.

Comment Re:user error (Score 1) 710

The weird thing is, most cutting of energy use is done through better technology. The laptops I replaced our desktop machines have half to a third the wattage on the power supplies, and work just as well. My investment in LED light bulbs is just the start- I want to install a low voltage USB-compatible power grid in my house, to run all sorts of things at fractions of an amp, or at least under 2.5 amps (my new cell phone and tablets use higher amperage chargers). I've replaced my refrigerator with a newer model that uses half the electricity and added five more cubic feet. And yes, I drive a prius.

Funny thing is, I'm not particularily an environmentalist. Less dirty energy costs less money.

Comment Re:Heh (Score 2) 3

"Are you pointing to problems in general, or some theologies in particular?"

More in general, in that all theology that ends up personal, ends up a finite brain contemplating an infinite being.

"As a sola scriptura type, I'd like to point to some specific English language scripture as a possible solution, but the same problem heads its ugly rear there, too. Guess we'll have to be humble and rely on faith, no? :-)"

My response to that is John 21:24-25 :-). But more seriously, yep, same problem rears it's ugly head there, perhaps more so. The book is a reflection of God's work with his people a long time ago, it isn't God himself.

User Journal

Journal Journal: And now for something completely different 3

The Catholic Church considers the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics to fit with our theology. But it also occurs to me that it fits with the problems I've run into converting analog to digital measurement. And THAT points to the theological idea that many people worship not the Creator of the Universe, but an image of God that is a model of the actual God.

Comment Re:a thought (Score 1) 11

I do want the string built in Sequence Order.

Here's the weird thing- query #2 has been working for 4 months. Not sure what changed, but the explanation that the rows are being fetched slow makes sense (they're always messing with my server settings!).

Comment I wear a watch, so obviously (Score 1) 381

I am interested in watches.

Whether or not a smart watch is worth it is an open question. If they can provide me something that I think I need with it, then sure. I've outlined a list in comments on previous stories, for quasi-trolls that were about to lash into me for being so general.

But I wear an automatic mechanical beater right now—specifically because it's virtually indestructible, represents only a minor investment (and thus financial risk), and requires no maintenance, attention, or battery-swapping. It's accurate to about 2 minutes per year, which means that about once a year I tune the time on it.

Most of the stuff that smartwatches are currently being said to do I either don't care about (fitness tracking, health monitoring) or currently use a smartphone for with far less hassle (bigger screen, more natural UI) so it'll be a stretch. But I'm open.

Comment Re:I've been calling for this for 20+ years... (Score 1) 159

If we ever learn to design new genes and proteins quickly, there are a bunch of starter projects:

Give mold the ability to synthesize CBD and THC. It would motivate you to wash your dishes- so you can use a razor blade to scrape off a gooey film of cannabinoids from the slimy ceramic in your sink, puff away, develop the munchies again, refill the sink with dirty dishes, and complete the cycle.

Insert a couple genes into E Coli that can synthesize cannabinoids in your intestines, so you can get a buzz after eating regular brownies.

Give cows a few genes for synthesis of cannabinoids during lactation. THC milk would also go great with regular brownies.

Design a virus that invades the human nervous system and inserts genes into white matter cells to induce synthesis of Adderall.

Engineer mosquitos that have the ability to synthesize heroin.

Make puncturevines that synthesize injectable human vaccines for measles, mumps, pertussis, polio, flu, rubella. and accumulate them in those tack-shaped goathead seeds. Plant them near people who think vaccines cause autism. Also include genes for synthesizing tire sealant, so their needles stop blowing out my bike tires when they reach the curb.

Give chili peppers the ability to synthesize and retain methamphetamine. Pulverize them and you can get meth with that "Chili P signature" like Jesse was selling in the first episode of Breaking Bad.

Create bees that can successfully avoid any areas tainted with anything manufactured by Bayer.

Resurrect DNA from extinct giant bird Palagornis sandersi but modify the legs a little so that the birds can hold bombs and chemical weapons.

Design trees that grow both apples and oranges, so we can finally compare them.

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