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Comment Re:Why not patent compression algorithm? (Score 4, Insightful) 263

Back in the day patents were put in the Constitution to advance the arts and sciences. Medieval guilds protected knowledge which held humanity/society back, so it was preferable to give limited government protection in exchange for opening up the knowledge (so the next generation can have at it, I guess).

Having patents for their own sake seems counterproductive in this regard, as a lot can be reverse engineered in the meantime.

In reality, everyone is told by legal not to look at previous patents ever, just in case they do infringe, it's not willful infringement.... patent portfolios protect the huge corps and the trolls, with very little in between, and the really lucrative stuff is kept proprietary anyway.

So it leads one to ask, while wasting time writing patents apps, what is the patent scheme good for really and is it beneficial for society?

Comment Re:De-fund the NSA Completely (Score 4, Insightful) 63

I think the most powerful argument that can be made against the NSA (and today's government in general) is that it was once seen as a necessary evil that could be harnessed to protect liberties. It surely wasn't anywhere near perfect ever, but it was hoped that over time, it would eventually slide towards perfection as a servant of the people.

Now, does anyone seriously believe the government is anything but a bureaucratic monster, gorging itself via wars (on terrorism, on poverty, on drugs, etc) to the end of enlarging itself and shrinking everyone else's pie? I mean seriously?

Comment Re:Water is wet (Score 1) 284

But the devices that allows everyone to use those devices came into being and became cheaper through the pursuit of profit.

Face it, a lot of people will say things like "Everyone should have clean water". But the idealistic goals are the ones that require the most effort where the less hardcore idealists become lazy and drop out.

Profit/capitalism is just someone putting their money where their mouth is, and allowing someone else to fulfill the drudge work for direct benefit. And yes, capitalism needs to be fully regulated so it isn't gamed into another system as individual successful players are wont to do.

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