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Comment Re:If this is not a bribery then I don't know what (Score 3, Insightful) 133

If fact of donations will be confirmed, then Comcast lost in the court of public opinion

Don't worry, there will be a squirrel event shortly and people will forget all about it. Then the merger will be quietly approved and by the time the rates go up, it will be too late.

If you rely on the general public you will always be disappointed, they are idiots and easily lead and/or distracted.

Comment Re:How can you "steal" a pic off the 'net? (Score 1) 126

It's using someone else's copyrighted property to sell one's own services./quote?

Few people are saying its 'proper' to that, without permission, but its still not stealing.. call it what it is. And you people need to stop spreading false information about copyright, Its not because its copyrighted that you cant make copies, its due to the lack of permission of the copyright owners.. Many people let you do just that.. but they still 'own' it..

Using wrong terms and spreading lies only make you look stupid.

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