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Journal Journal: Elizabeth Smart 3

Something's fishy about this whole Elizabeth Smart thing. There has to be a reason why she didn't want to go home that badly --- remember, folks: you read it here first. The father was up to something no good, or else they were more religiously fundamentalist than you'd think, or something. I just can't buy that she wouldn't want to go home and could be brainwashed that easily by some homeless nutjob. Anyway that's my 2 cents. It's friday afternoon and I'm cutting out early today (hopefully) and going up to Guelph.

This weekend I'm buying a clutch, axle, brakes, and bearings for the trike and dune buggy. Once again, I'm excited about how the progress is going, something that hasn't happened for a few years.

-Geoff Out.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Tales from the Bus vol. 1

This will hopefully be a recurring journal entry series.

So I ride the bus to and from work every day. Lack of willingness / money for a car, and all that.

In the mornings, normally in the back of the number 1 (plains rd.) bus there is a guy that takes the corner seat and sleeps there. That's pretty much the only seat on the #1 that is comfortable enough to sleep in. He wasn't there yesterday, so I thought, sweet, I'll get that seat, and catch up on some Zs on the way to work...

Of course, at the next stop (Zellers) a mentally challenged dude gets on and instead of sitting at the front where they normally do, comes back and sits beside me. Asks me for cigarettes, then when I decline, holds one arm in the air for like 20 minutes. How did he do that? With the other arm, he pulled out a daytimer (which was surprisingly packed), put it on his lap, and started tearing pages out, crumpling them up, and throwing them forward in the bus. Fabulous. I slept a little bit but it was too distracting for me to get much serious slumber done.

I love Burlington Transit.


Journal Journal: Welding

Well, I get to go to Mohawk today to do some welding. If you go to my website, and go to the 'some cool pictures' link, you can see some of my designs for my trike. Tonight I'm working on the dune buggy and the trike.

Work was booooring today. I am copying out a manual for a column flotation cell that we bought and are reselling. This manual is horribly written, so as I copy it, I'm fixing the style and typographical errors. Fabulously exciting work I do, I tell ya.

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I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was capable of reasoning. -- Plato
