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Comment absurd notion (Score 3, Interesting) 171

Suggesting that because the university has fostered a large number of financially successful commercial ventures, that it could be toxic to the education of innovators is completely lame. In fact, it is so lame that I wonder if the topic was entirely made up for lack of content. Technological innovation can do 3 things that matter: 1. Advance society, making us all better in some way. 2. Foster financial stability for large numbers of people. 3. Raise questions about either number one or number two. Without financially successful technological innovation, we'd be Cuba in the 50's. Really happy, not that prosperous, and ready for a big change that would fuck us all.

Comment Sony is an anomaly (Score 1) 185

This breach is due to the transition from the capable staff at SOE to the new security retards at SNEI. In fact, Shannon Lietz and her entire group should be fired. It has nothing to do with the industries inability to adapt. If that were true, then massive platforms at companies like and google would fail regularly, but they don't. The server architectures and application deployments are practically the same. Bottom line - Sony is an exception, and they are an exceptional fuck up.

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