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Comment Re:Wrong security model (Score 1) 306

Technically speaking, even in good cryptography, there is obscurity. The private key is an obscure piece of information that only one person/system should know.

This piece of obscure information is required, but once it is known, everything is out in the open. The reference is therefore about how the algorithm uses this obscure piece of information. That is what needs to be open.

Comment Re:"Source Code [...] Stolen" (Score 1) 306

By your definition it would be impossible to steal a trade secret. The very nature of
That in itself just doesn't make sense.

There needs to be a very fundamentally different view on how theft is perceived in cases where the information itself was never to be publicly released. This is not copyright, as nobody but the author was supposed to have a copy.

That makes it "theft".

Comment Re:When they're right, they're right (Score 1) 386

It takes 21 years from birth before a child is recognized as an adult. (Can drink alcohol legally) At this point your creative work, a child, is capable and expected to make any choice, and if you benefit from a relationship with them, it is at their discretion.

I would argue that any work that is older than the time it takes for a child to reach adulthood, should be in public domain, because the creator has had enough time to benefit from it, at least as much as a parent has had time with a child.

So that copyright period of 21 years although possibly not optimal for the full greater good, is still at least reasonable. What has been around since before you were born, when you become an adult, is now your public domain birthright.

Comment It's not about the PIN, its about access. (Score 1) 383

With a physical key, you don't run out of batteries. IPhones will not be attached to your key chain like the current remote open/start devices.
People will begin to regularly forget their keys if they rely on this, and all of the sudden, how much charge you have left on your phone could dictate your ability to gain access to your vehicle.
That, and just imagine trying to punch in a pin while being chased by Zombies. Fumbling for keys was bad enough.

Comment Re:The first is still the best (Score 1) 474

"Episode One (in particular) was a kids movie"
Every one keeps parroting this, simply because Episode one just made no sense, so the only possible audience it would appeal to is children who can't really follow plot anyway, or don't actually care as long as the eye candy was good.

Tell me if it is such a kids movie, what the heck was a trade embargo, attempt to "negotiate" same trade embargo, the senate appeal, chancellor meeting room discussions, assassination attempt and the oh so ham handed midi-chlorians crap all about?

Kids just love politics don't they? Well don' they?
It was a train wreck, plain and simple.

Comment Thumb drive (Score 1) 459

Thumb drive.
Why not just use true crypt and keep every single file you think is critical on that thumb drive. You can even default set your MyDocuments and force the drive type to a specific drive letter, so its transparent when you boot.
Bonus points because if your laptop is stolen, odds are you still have the drive in your pocket or wallet. Don't think you can cram a thumb drive in your fat wallet. Try this one on for size.

Comment Re:Or they're terrified (Score 1) 921

I personally experienced a true miracle.

I was healed in a week of a broken collar bone after a youth group prayed over me. That event has carried me through many a tough time.

You can't put it in a lab, and you can't force the experiment on God, but the proof is there if your willing to look at it.

Sorry about you loss, and God Bless

Comment Re:Or they're terrified (Score 2, Interesting) 921

Or they are waiting to give God a chance to preform a miracle.

There are all kinds of last minute rescue stories in the Bible. Jonah and the whale, the parting of the Red Sea, even the bringing back from death of Lazarus.

Who but those without faith would assume that it's a lack of faith that motivates them?

Comment Re:sony (Score 1) 803

The way I see it, they just gave this software, license free.
That means no copyright, no protection of their supposed intellectual property associated with it. Basically if the code can be reverse engineered, viewed, uncompiled, or whatever it should be just fine and dandy for anyone to make and publish whatever they will with it.
This should also include any software that they own that is required to run this little present.
Its probably useless code anyway, but if companies that released stuff like this risked loosing rights to everything attached to the 'gifted' software in question this practice would stop.

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