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Comment Re:Pinto (Score 0) 247

I was on this plane once when all of the sudden the hydraulics went. The plane starts spinning around, going out of control, so I figured it's all over and I whip it out and starts beating it right there. So all the other passengers take a cue from me and they start whipping it out and beating like mad! So all the passengers are beating off, plummeting to our certain doom, when all of the sudden, the hydraulics kick back in. The plane rights itself and we land safely. Everyone puts their penises or, whatever, away and deboards.

Comment Re:Root of failure (Score 1) 352

My greed point was to address parental involvement. There are many parents too busy to engage with their children because they are at a subsistence level and they can't survive without multiple jobs. (basic needs/level playing field).
There are also many parents who neglect their children because they are greedy and they have plenty, but want more (fictionalized example).

Comment Re:sage (Score 1) 352

My kids have always played with the neighborhood kids, even when there are disparate ages. Just last week I built a cardboard box "clubhouse" in my driveway and had a half dozen neighborhood kids playing in it with my kids. Alot of parents don't let their kids outside unsupervised, but once they realize I am out there with my kids they are usually ok with them running around.

I take my younger kids outside and actually play with them, we attract kids like sugar attracts ants. It's not an instant process, but if you are seen with your kids, people get comfortable and kids get curious. I think the neighborhood bus stop also helps, get out of the car and talk to other parents.

Comment Re:Terrible Then Too (Score 1) 352

So basically, F*#&! all the kids for the next decade. After that things might have stabilized, bu there will still be the occasional lost class, due to bad instruction that isn't picked up until after the product has been delivered.

Your approach is like buying every car you will ever drive at one time, site unseen, from the best bidder. Then garaging them and assuming they will start in 5, 7, 15 years. You wouldn't do that, why would you do that to kids.

Comment Re:King Frosty the first (Score 1) 352

Yeah, this is a Disney dream, not grounded in any sort of reality. Just like all the Checks are dead people, they don't deal with old people or schools, because checks are rampant in both of those areas.

Schooling is at least half social skills and plopping our kids in front of an engaging video program isn't going to do anything for that. It would also be short sighted to decimate a significant portion of the economy. I see a backlash against administration more likely then a thinning of the number of teachers.

Comment Re:How did he even get that job? (Score 1) 164

The big question is which are you?

__ Stooge for the wealthy (I'm sorry you are so easily mislead) __ Sycophant for the wealthy (I'm sorry you are so greedy) __ Wealthy (I'm sorry you are a sociopath) __ suffering from a brain injury (I'm sorry your parents dropped you) __ suffering from heavy metal poisoning (I'm sorry paint chips are so delicious) __ Dumb (I'm sorry for your mental limitations)

Comment Re:Not nerdy enough (Score 1) 133

Your yelling at clouds.

Burning stuff with various implements and unguided play are still common for many parents. There were always overprotective parents who force their children into rigid molds. Some would have us think that's the best way to treat children, but most of us know better.

In any case, melting lead is not a good unsupervised activity for kids and probably something I would keep them away from. A high level of lead in your blood may explain why you are so aggressive about your way being best. Maybe you should have it checked.

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