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Comment Re:Yeah! (Score 1) 514

So, you have a family member that is a terrible person, join the club.

You can't fit every disability drawing person in the mold she created. You should hate her, not the system, or the other people using the system correctly.

Time lived is a blessing, don't wast it worrying about her, just do the things that make you feel good about yourself and make the world a little better.
Sure, you could start by strangling your sister, but society frowns on that....

Comment Re:Have it, liked it much. I should give away 1,00 (Score 1) 514

You guys need a better library...
I saw through that guys schtick on my first read, but I've never fully analyzed why it made me uncomfortable. If you've read it more then once and not seen through it, I am saddened.

Comment Re:Data about where and how people drive? (Score 1) 238

Unfortunately, you can't turn this off permanently. I get prompted for this every time I enable the GPS and I have to disallow it.
There is a convenient, "don't ask me again" button under the "allow" and "disallow" buttons, but if you check that it highlights "allow". You can't permanently "disallow". Is this specific to Samsung and motorola? I've had this issue with both phones on Verizon and ATT.

I've been considering if it's lawsuit worthy, anyone know who I could talk to about that? Think the EFF would be interested in this faux opt-in/opt-out setting.

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