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Comment Re:I wonder when we'll have enough? (Score 1) 662

This argument bears a superficial resemblence to the "Support our TRUUPES!" argument:

"Our men and women in uniform fight to protect our freedoms from dangerous terrorists overseas. If you dont support our men and women in the armed forces, you are selling out our country, and are complicit in the terrorist's cause."

I'm against any abuse of power, but "support our troops" means - even if you don't support the political agenda, you should support and respect the soldiers who have to fight - they don't have a choice. So that makes them potential victims of abuses of the system as well, so from my point of view, it's exactly the opposite of what you're saying.

At least that's what it's supposed to mean - a lot of people misuse that slogan to mean something else....

Comment Re:Before anyone says it: (Score 1) 413

Not in itself. But if he was seriously trying to be ironic by doing so, then the fact that it was not ironic and in a post requesting correct usage of irony, was itself ironic.

Actually, by intentionally stating the incorrect artist's name in a post intending to correct someone's misuse of the word irony, was itself punny.

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