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Comment Re:It's not the space, it'd the food. (Score 2) 326

The problem is not waste, it's distribution. Even with the current level of waste, everyone could eat 3 meals and snacks, everyday.
Getting it to people is a lot harder.

If we ended all food waste right now, there would not be 1 less person going hungry.
Hell, we can't even get food to people going hungry in the US without a political shit storm happening from people who think it's the same thing as communism.

Comment Re:PHONES YOU IDIOTS (Score 1) 130

You see those cameras on the freeway? yeah. Anyone you hang out with got a smart phone? Use plastic anywhere?

Instead of railing against the inevitable, spend that time and energy for protection on what, when, who, why, where and how it can be used?

I want a spy car, but that's probably not what you meant. :)

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