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Comment Re:Ah... (Score 1) 217

I program on niche embedded devices which have 16mb of ram and still cost a lot of money for what they are. C is the only way there. However through the development circle we have a lot of bugs which get attributed to improper memory management - null dereferencing, memory leaks and the like. This makes the development circle longer, which is acceptable.

Now on the mobile market, it is an implied that the consumer prefers a lot of relatively stable applications in a short period of time. The tradeoff for this is to pay $20 more (probably much less) for the cost of doubling the RAM.

I think in the end, the problem is talent. Talent is scarce. It needs talent to program in C and it needs talent to design RAM modules. However RAM modules are designed once and then produced in an ultra massive scale. On the other side, every little bit of code needs a developer to work on it. And I know from experience that there isn't enough talent in C to produce the loads and loads of software that is currently produced - and even if there was, it would cost. So in the end I think the way it is, is the only way.

Comment Re:Ah... (Score 1) 217

I'm known to be a low level person and professionally a C programmer. And I agree with you on some stuff.


No, I won't use C to do something in 1k memory and 3 weeks of coding, I will use python in 10mb memory and 1 day of coding. Simply because my time costs more than 10mb of memory. So stop demonising higher level languages and accept that they have their perfectly legit uses as long as their limitations are undestood. Keep in mind that if android used C and not java, we would have about 5 non crashing apps tops in the market.

Sooo, yeah...

Comment Re:Communication? (Score 1) 77

I'm pretty sure that even if they resolve everything, slashdotters will bitch about its color.

Nope. I spent good money on a handful of RPi's, wasted a few dozen hours on the beasts, just to finally turn up via searching specific error messages on Google that the USB/Ethernet stack is fatally crippled in design and that the GPU blob is secret-source and buggy and crashes on many media file decodes.

I have a raspi in front of me, with the embedded ethernet, 1 bluetooth, 2 wifi devices (1 master, 1 monitor), 1 gps, 2 usb sticks in raid, and it's charging my galaxy nexus through a powered hub. The usb problems have become such a chewing gum for the slammers, all I can say is: bullshit. You had a problem with an early revision of rpi and now you love bitching about it altough it is most probably resolved. You are welcome to post details though...

Now, for being a '21st Century C=64' and learning computing for school children, the thing is fine. The problem comes from all the geek-chic folks who are hocking the RPi for media center devices, network devices, and a replacement for microcontrollers.

I am guessing you were going to use it for rocket control of the next mission to mars and the bugs destroyed your dreams? At least these people build/hack/destroy something. All I can see from you is bitching.

Perhaps the next generation of Pi will be fine for them, but the dominant culture currently isn't hipster, it's "The First Rule of RPi Club is Don't Talk About the Bugs".

The bugs are fairly known, and there are a lot of differences between the revisions of the pi's. As I said, you had a bug and you just love to bitch about it till the end of time.

That just wastes the time and money of people who have been mislead, only to wind up on BBB, Arduino, Atom, or AMD-E to get something reliable going.

If there's a known-faulty part expect the engineers to tell each other about it. Geek-Culture Nerds - who knows, they probably have to check with their self-appoint high priests to see what's cool today.

Again. Sorry for delaying your rocket control project.

Hackers hack. Bitches bitch. Choose wisely...

Comment Re:Communication? (Score 3, Insightful) 77

Sure it is. I don't see you bitching about your phone, pc, car, tv, microwave oven though. You do realise that after this announcement, videocore is the most open core on an ARM chip ever, right?

btw, here you go...hack away

Comment Re:Communication? (Score 5, Insightful) 77

At this point, I have concluded that many slashdotters are "hipster geeks"

Anything that gains traction and is widely known outside of the normal geek circles becomes "uncool" and is slammed down. As you can see for raspberry, although the things to bitch about are getting fewer and fewer, there are always things that slashdotters bitch about. I'm pretty sure that even if they resolve everything, slashdotters will bitch about its color.

Now think what would happen if only a couple of thousand raspis were sold and only part of the geek community knew about it. It would be all the rage!

Comment Re:Sorry, it's horribly insecure, (Score 1) 731

PEDs (pin entering devices) are heavily regulated and certified by visa and mastercard (PCI standards) so it's nearly impossible to intercept the pin before being encrypted. It is done in hardware by special purpose cryptoprocessors. Track2 data however can be stolen.

The problem lies that issuing banks should not accept transactions which are not authenticated by the chip as genuine. This is usually hard because of legacy infrastructure that can't handle it, or that they don't want to lose the transaction. After all, lost revenue might be higher than the fraud loses.

If all measures are applied as they are specified, fraud should be very close to zero. Believe me, the people who specified these standards and protocols are quite smart. However banks are very slow moving beasts and replacing all the infrastructure and re-training everyone to hard to understand concepts is costly enough that some fraud can be tolerated

Comment Re:Sorry, it's horribly insecure, (Score 1) 731

No. Please don't spread FUD

You have a point that the liability is moved from the merchant (If he didn't verify the signature) to the cardholder. You also have a point that you can bypass a check with a MITM attack (not exactly practical)

However magstripes are copiable. Chips are not. The are personalised with a PKI which starts from the card system (visa/master) and the terminal always authenticates that the card is authentic against public keys. Properly configured issuers do not allow a transaction if it is not accompanied by a crypto signature by the card containing the amount, merchant ID etc. so you can't just copy the magstripe and do a transaction like this

These are just some of the _technical_ points why chip is more secure. Now, I know you want to bitch about how the banks are screwing us over, and you may be right about it, but your reasoning isn't

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Why Can't Slashdot Classic and Slashdot Beta Continue to Co-Exist? 9

Hugh Pickens DOT Com writes: Slashdot has been a big part of my life since I had my my first stories accepted over ten years ago. Some people my age do crossword puzzles to keep their mental agility, some do sudoko, or play bridge. I enjoy searching for and putting together a story a day for slashdot because it helps keep me on my toes to have readers find errors and logical fallacies in my submissions and I enjoy learning from the different points of view expressed on a story I have submitted. That's why I have been so discouraged in the past several years to see readership in slashdot drop off. As a close observer of this web site, I know that ten years ago it was unheard of for any accepted story to get less than 100 comments and there was at least a story a day that got over 1,000 comments. Those days are long gone. Not it's not uncommon to see some stories garner only a few dozen comments. That's how web sites die. If you slip below a critical level of readership, readers will abandon the site completely. I know from my own experience running a web site devoted to the Peace Corps that I used to have hundreds of comments to some of my stories but once comments slipped below a certain threshold, then they disappeared altogether. I think that slashdot is nearing that threshold and I fear that imposing Slashdot Beta on the site's readership will push it over the edge and I don't want to see that happen. I'd like to propose that slashdot continue running slashdot classic and slashdot beta in parallel. I'll stick with classic most of the time. One of the best features of slashdot classic is that comments can be displayed in four formats (threaded, nested, no comment, and flat) and in two directions (oldest first and newest first) providing a lot of flexibility in watching conversations develop. I switch between the formats several times a day depending on what I want to see. But slashdot beta also has its advantages in certain situations. Slashdot needs a blockbuster story or two every day where people can pile on and slashdot beta facilitates this by putting the most commented story at the top of the page and I think that is a good thing. Still I'll use slashdot beta occasionally when I'm on a mobile device but slashdot classic will be the format I use on my desktop. So don't deprecate slashdot classic. That would be like Microsoft disabling Windows 7 and forcing everyone to use Windows 8. And not even Microsoft is that stupid.

Comment Re:BeagleBone Fully Documented; Broadcom Proprieta (Score 2) 246

The fact that there are significant reverse-engineering efforts going on
is proof that the Broadcom chip in the Raspberry Pi is anything but open.

Have you realised that you posted the official raspberry pi foundation github account as a reverse engineering proof? They are doing many things, but reverse engineering is not one of them.

Also, I don't think anybody needs proof. It is common knowledge...

TI fully documents their system on chip (SOC) chips.

Sure. Could you please send us a reference of the SGX530 which is the GPU in beagleboard? And the kernel drivers that interface with the blob doesn't count, obviously.

I mean, I like a good argument, but pleeease try to check your facts first.

Comment Re:Sorry, still not getting one. (Score 1) 246

Fair enough.

However, you are talking about bare metal programming which is a completely different matter. I completely agree with you on this, but these are things that are normally abstracted by the OS.

If you want to talk in this point of view, for me the problem is purely availability. If I was to develop bare metal, again I would select the raspi because once I learn how to program it and get my applications stable on it, I can be fairly certain that I can get it easily in large quantities and probably for a long time.

However I would like to hear more about why did go with arch programming (as in armv7) and not platform programming (as in raspi/bbb/whatever) and also, why not an OS on it in order to delegate the burden of arch specific stuff to the os devs?

Comment Re:Sorry, still not getting one. (Score 1) 246

Don't lie Maevius, LIMA is getting better and better and is Opensource. So no, not all modern GPU's need binary blobs.

Ha. Nice one. Indeed I try to deceive the readers of slashdot by lying in order to get them to agree with me.

I don't consider reverse engineered drivers as proper drivers because they usually they lack support and are some generations behind. Also that doesn't change the fact that GPUs come with blobs. Having said that, I have never used the lima ones. Seeing the x86 landscape though, I believe that the move of valve with steambox, the cooperation of canonical and redhat with nvidia and amd and Torvalds cursing everyone progressed linux graphics much more than some noble but nevertheless half-assed (not because the developers are incompetent, but because it is near impossible) reverse engineering.

And honestly, I would prefer all these developers to work in progressing projects like wayland which will get linux desktop out of the stone age, and some killer apps like XBMC, and the graphics companies will line up to give proper support

Comment Re:Sorry, still not getting one. (Score 1) 246

that have solved almost all the bugs in the thing

How can you be sure that you "solved" bugs in the closed part of the hardware? Oh, you can't.

It works doesn't it? I'm not planning on making a bitcoin miner with raspi so I don't care if there is an implementation bug that has a 10% performance hit and anyone who buys the raspi (or any embedded arm device) to work on GPU hacking is a bit wacky. What I care about is that power issues are fixed, all the devices are initialized correctly (I had an embedded linux device not properly initing the usb because a capacitor was not big enough so you had to manually change an smd cap), the GPIOs work as they should, I have an API of the GPIO in almost every normal language, I already have drivers (and tutorials) on how to drive LCD screens, loads of digital chips, I have plug n play ADC boards specifically designed for the pi.

I have a realtime operating system if I wish to do real time processing.

All modern GPU have binary blobs.
As I said, a not-so-beefy, but open GPU would be my preference. This way, you can personally experiment with all kinds of creative ways of using, misusing and abusing the computing power in the GPU.

Wishful thinking. Although I personally don't care about GPU hacking, I'd love to see GPU hackers have access to the real hardware. That doesn't change the fact that there is no open GPU.

I've personally made the step from an ARMv4TDMI to an ARMv7 core and it was amazing how practically relevant the improvements were. It's not just a few new instructions here and there, but changes that made my work easier.

Although it's common sense that v4->v7 is a huge change, care to post some examples?

Comment Re:Or the chinese knockoff android devices. (Score 1) 246

I'll grant you the media center thing, although I still use a proper x86 for media center in order not to be limited on anything.

The chinese thingies you talk about. What distributions can they run? Can they run java? Is there any documentation about the GPIO? Is there any GPIO? Can you overclock/undeclock them? Do you have any community documented hardware hacks you can follow? Is there a hardware compatibility list you can check before buying peripherals? Can you find packages (as in .deb) specifically targeted towards them in the wild?

You see, although I agree with you that if you want a "fire and forget" type of device, sure there are much better alternatives. But when you want a platform to hack, you want to have some things granted. I don't want to compile packages from scratch only to find out they don't work for some obscure reason. I need to know all the hardware bugs and errata before starting a project and finding that I cannot finish it halfway.
The RPi is a stable and mature platform thanks to its community. And no matter how much people shout about it, this is the way it is and anyone who is serious about hacking and realises all the time consuming hurdles will agree with me.

The rest of the "moral" or "philosophical" issues are just noise from people who prefer to shout than hack (not implying that you are one of them, just saying)

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