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Comment Re:Why not patent compression algorithm? (Score 3, Informative) 263

Patents are not granted for the benefit of a few. They are granted because: The Congress shall have power ... To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries; Having said that, I agree that the question should be "why should they be able to patent it."

Comment Re:A bad idea for reasons of basic economics (Score 1) 171

Oh, come now. You are total wrong here. Look how successful our solar panel manufacturers are. That would have never happened without government investment! I'm sure the same thing will happen in the EU. I mean, if government doesn't pick winners and losers, who will?

Comment Re:Fuck that guy. (Score 5, Insightful) 397

I don't think "affirmative action" means what you think it means. "Affirmative action" as applied is a system were underrepresented minorities are given a preference in admissions and hiring. Asians aren't an underrepresented minority in just about anything. In fact, they represent overwhelming majorities in many areas and are the most hurt by skin-color preference programs (aka "Affirmative Action"). We may hold different opinions on whether we should judge someone based on the color of their skin (I don't think we should), but we certainly can't argue fact, and how "affirmative action" is applied is fact.

Comment Rewarding the developer. (Score 4, Interesting) 144

I've played games like "Path of Exile" where I've enjoyed the game so much, I decided to drop $20 or so on in-app purchases, even if they weren't going to actually help me advance in the game. I've done the same for other apps that I've enjoyed. If you enjoy the game, it can't hurt to reward the developer. Now, $10,000, well that is a bit extreme.

Comment Re:Patent trolls suck but.... (Score 1) 255

I've never been overly positive or negative of Microsoft. However, having just installed Windows 8, I can say that it is seriously good. If that kills my geek street cred, then so be it. If you are worried about Windows 8, you should be. This is the first time I've really "liked" an operating system UI.

Comment Re:This is BS... (Score 1) 580

I agree that this is not a new process. However, we don't know (at least from the article), what type of efficiencies they are seeing (although we can guess). If a reasonably efficient mechanism can be worked out (maybe something above 50%), you could imagine solar factories being built in the middle of deserts or other inhospitable and remote regions. This would be orthogonal to the current power generation infrastructure and would serve to offset some of the petroleum currently being used.

Comment Re:Largely Demand Driven (Score 1) 490

Sorry, but I'm not going to swap my new, $10,000 battery for something from the local Sip 'N Go. Now, if batteries were as cheap as propane tanks, then this might be a good idea. However, by that time, battery efficiency and charging technology will be such that swapping won't be necessary. Electric cars will take off when battery technology improves (and becomes cheaper).

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