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Comment Re:Good thing I used CmdrTaco's info (Score 1) 446

Given that it's rather easy to use a credit card with an assumed name, and also a fake billing address submitted while paying, I really don't see why the people who wanted to stay discreet/anonymous didn't do so.

In case anyone wanted to know how to do it, at least in the U.S. it's rather trivial:

Because it sounds complex and not entirely legal (it might be legal but it sounds like it might be illegal).

The vast majority of users are going to be using their real credit card.

If the hackers get your data, all they have dirt on is a fictional character. This is 21st century, I thought every guy who knows how to use a bank account and a computer would know this shit?

I'm not even sure every guy who knows how to use a bank account and a computer fully understands how credit cards work. I think you need to seriously recalibrate your opinion of what typical people are capable of.

Comment Re:Mod parent up (Score 1) 131

Whether you agree with parent post or not, it would be interesting to see what response it engenders.

That even after you remove the rant and bias it's still a really stupid question.

You might as well ask why animals don't have political pundits.

Why ask why animals don't have X when you'd probably agree people didn't even have X until some time in the last few hundred years.

Comment Difference between human and animal cognition (Score 1) 131

Your work improving slaughterhouses essentially involved empathizing with the animals and understanding the factors that were causing them excessive stress.

Why do you think most people have so much trouble doing this? Is it just experience, ie we don't realize a certain rake is making the cattle nervous because we haven't lived the life of a cow. Or do you think there's something fundamentally different about the cognition of different animals that makes them respond in ways that humans have trouble relating to?

Comment Re:Why don't other animals have "social justice"? (Score 4, Interesting) 131

Humans are animals. Humans also have the concept of "social justice" (which is, in fact, neither social nor justice, but rather a perversion of both). Yet other animals do not have this concept.

The adherence to "social justice" by many of its proponents also follows many of the symptoms of autism, most importantly a complete willingness to overlook irrational and hypocritical behavior.

If autism is found in other animals, why do we not see these animals also suffering from "social justice"?

That must have been hard to phrase your angry off-topic rant in the form of a question.

I'd also question your claim that animals don't have social justice. If we ignore your incoherent definition (ie any moral judgement you disagree with) and look at actual social justice things like concepts of fairness and policing social norms it's clear animals do have social justice.

Comment Re:Free speech has no meaning (Score 1) 581

Because crazy, paranoid people, in my experience, tend to not want to let anyone in on their delusions. Even if you agree with them, they'll call you a CIA\Jewish\Alien plant setting a trap for them. They are arrogant and believe that they are the center of the world, and everyone is out to hurt them.

Besides that, let me rephrase my question: what evidence do you have that this is a common theme in "virtually all" cases? Naming three of the dozens does not establish a trend. Furthermore, claiming that there it just doesn't get reported on doesn't release you from that burden. It just comes off as an old man blaming the ills of the world on that damn Satanic rock-and-roll music.

I concede "virtually all" is an overstatement and I'm not sure how to find evidence other than anecdotes and a general impression, but I do think there is a definite pattern with people falling into extremist bubbles which is a lot easier on the internet.

As for the reporting aspect I do think I have some evidence of it being under reported. Luka Magnotta was very active on social media and extremist sites like Stormfront, posted multiple videos of himself killing animals and uploaded the video of his murder of Justin Lin to a gore website. However, the only mention of this you ever saw in the media was that he had uploaded videos of the kitten killings and murder and that the owner of the gore website was arrested.

It wasn't even made clear that Magnotta uploaded the video himself, the fact that he was extremely active in social media (and probably the gore website as well) was almost unreported in an extremely sensationalized case. It follows that there's a lot of other cases where it's likely under publicized as well.

Comment Re:Basic Engineering! (Score 1) 163

It's an easily accessible source with biases that are relatively well understood. That doesn't mean it's where I formed my views but it has conveniently accessible information.

If I gave something you know to be inaccurate or misleading you can supply your own source rather than just writing the whole thing off.

It's ironic that you're criticizing the quality of my sources since I don't even recall you posting any.

Comment Re:Basic Engineering! (Score 1) 163

You're conveniently ignoring that Israel completely pulled out of Gaza, leaving all infrastructure for the residents to use including greenhouses and everything, and all it got was indiscriminate rocket and mortar fire by a government whose very charter calls for total genocide.

They gave back a tiny portion they didn't want in order to cement control over the West Bank and prevent the creation of a Palestinian state, at least according to Ariel Sharon

Just like you're also ignoring that the partition of the British Mandate gave the overwhelming majority of the land to the Arabs and called it "Jordan".

Yet despite this the proposed partition still managed to make the regions given to the Jews 45% Arab.

And that there's no such thing as "67 borders".

I disagree.

Comment Re:Basic Engineering! (Score 1) 163

The only thing ignoring reality is the claim that there exists such a thing as a "palestinian" in the first place. Even members of the PLO executive board freely and publicly admitted that "palestinians" were a made up ethnicity designed for political gain.

Who cares what ethnicity they are? These are actual individuals who are having their homes taken away.

The region was controlled for centuries by various powers, with arab historians such as Ibn Khaldun and Muqaddasi documenting not only the lack of any notable muslim population but the existence of a substantial permanent jewish population, right up until the British Mandate ended.

So when was this that there was no notable Muslim population?

And do you know what happened then? Despite the Grand Mufti's political and military alliance with the Third Reich the Arabs were still invited to help draw up the partition plan, and they were still given the overwhelming majority of the partitioned land despite refusing because the continued existence of the Jewish race was utterly intolerable to them.... something they have continuously and explicitly stated up to the modern day where the call for total genocide continues to be so important that it was included in the very government charter of Hamas.

So unless you're going to poo poo all over Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and basically every other nation in the region as well stop being a hypocrite and pretending you don't have double standards here.

Lets just ignore the question of whether they became anti-Semitic before or after Jewish immigrants literally decided to take over Palestine because either answer carries the implication that the Zionists shouldn't have tried to take over Palestine.

You're still ignoring the Settlements question!!! Clearly you can see why I think the Settlements are indefensible, because no one will ever defend them!

Comment Re:Free speech has no meaning (Score 1) 581

Even if it is true that all spree killers were motivated by some evil online community, does it actually matter? If allowing them to have that community actually prevents more attacks than it precipitates it is still a net win for society.

It that the case though? If the community is bad enough to get banned I don't think it's moderating people.

This same crap comes up with every article that claims some school shooter did it because the creep played GTA. Crime rates have actually been falling for decades despite the rise of graphically violent video games. Even if some people turn to violence because it works in their favorite murder simulator it would seem that even more people don't resort to violence despite enjoying the same games.

That's a very different topic.

Games are fundamentally escapist, GTA doesn't actually endorse violence, it just lets people enjoy some fantasies.

But communities shape people's views and what they perceive as typical or right. I don't see why making the community online would change this?

Comment Re:Free speech has no meaning (Score 1) 581

The one thing in common with virtually all these lone gunman type terrorists or spree killers is their involvement in extremist online communities. It's a positive feedback loop.

Sources? I know that the church shooter guy was interested in neo-nazis online, but what other ones are you talking about? I actually think that you're just making that up, though, so you don't have to respond.

Well Elliot Rodger is one but I was mostly thinking about lone wolf terrorists or people like Luka Magnotta (though he wasn't a spree killer). However it's hard to find good sources in part because it isn't really mentioned. When people do something crazy like go on a killing spree or post a murder video people assume they'll be part of some screwy online communities and papers don't want to get flack from readers for posting the name of a really disturbing site.

But at a more abstract level no one disputes the fact that people can fall in with a bad crowd in the physical world, why would you dispute that it's possible to fall in with a bad crowd on the Internet?

Comment Re:MOAH POPCORN (Score 1) 581

So... a virtual lynchmob went after Pao because they decided she must be an "SJW" because she once sued a former employer for sexual harassment.

I notice you omitted a vital fact in your rant - that she sued *and lost*. If she had sued and won, then at least it could be argued that she was actually the victim of discrimination. However to play the gender card, and subsequently be shown to be bullshitting, firmly puts her in the SJW camp.

Given the US justice system someone suing a company and losing is hardly firm evidence they were in the wrong.

They interpreted a closure of a subreddit that was harassing people in real life as being content based, and by Pao, because they assumed that was what a straw-SJW would do.

Again you've got it wrong. They assumed that she was responsible because she was the CEO. Nothing to do with gender, or politics.

True, but that doesn't necessarily mean she was calling the shots if the chairman of the board was pushing hard enough.

And it turns out that Pao was supporting them all along - that is, arguing against a board that did actively want to remove the more offensive subreddits, and not actually the person who pushed out the fired employee.

Please, please don't tell me you're now believe the bullshit that's coming out of that clusterfuck of an organisation. You're like the global warming denialists, cherry-picking the starting point for your data. "See, the latest line to come out of reddit HQ is that Pao was fighting for you all along! You're all idiots I tell you, IDIOTS!"

Give it a couple of days, we'll hear some other bullshit line by then.

It's not coming from the organization but from a former CEO who doesn't seem to have an active role any more (but presumably still gets the office gossip). I don't think it makes sense for Reddit to defend the scapegoat and shift blame to their Executive Chairman.

Comment Re:Obligations (Score 1) 581

If it's about ethics then I don't see a problem with no supporting /rFatPeopleHate. It's not like they are being silenced, Reddit just declined to offer them a free platform for their content, following their own ethical code.

There is a difference between defending someone's right to say what they like, and actually setting up a soapbox for them. There are people I'd never help spread their message, but I wouldn't want the government to ban them from saying it either. Freedom of speech does not imply an obligation to facilitate other's speech, or listen to it.

Very well said. "Free Speech" means the GOVERNMENT can't make certain speech illegal, or ban books, or silence dissent (even though all those things do happen, even China enshrines free speech in their constitution). It DOES NOT mean I have to support you, or help you disseminate that speech.

(Still with me... you won't be in a moment)

It's the same reason a Jewish printer can turn away business from a pro-Palestinian group, and the same reason a Christian baker can^H^H^H should be able to refuse to make a gay wedding cake.

Right. Or a KKK member baker from making a black person's wedding cake. Or for a eugenics supporter to not serve a handicapped person. And the list goes on and on. There's no reason to protect any of those people from discrimination. It's not like there has been a history of any of these groups of people being oppressed, or anything like that... oh wait.

The Jewish printer, Christian baker, KKK baker, and eugenics supporter are all guilty of discriminating against a group. That's not allowed nor should it be.

But that doesn't mean the Jewish printer should have to print holocaust denial posters nor the KKK member print "kill all whites" posters, you're allowed to ban offensive speech.

Comment Re:For an alternative (Score 2, Insightful) 581

The politically correct crowd will willingly ignore horrible behavior as long as the person is otherwise supportive of their cause. I point to William Jefferson Clinton (Bill) as my defacto example of someone, who had they been had an (R) after their name, would have been judged completely differently by the PC (read, liberal) crowd.

So I take the cries of the PC crowd to be largely hypocritical.

In what sense?

I assume you're referring to his affair, I'd say the reaction seems mild because a) affairs are tough for the family and a personal indictment but not really a public policy issue and are generally ignored, b) Clinton never presented himself as an example of a perfect family man so it wasn't very hypocritical, c) the reaction of the Republicans was completely over the top.

I don't deny that the PC crowd can be hypocritical but I don't think they're moreso than any other group.

Comment Re:Free speech has no meaning (Score 1) 581

until you defend someone else's right to say something you disagree with. As for the pictures, if they're real, then that's already illegal and I have no doubt a dozen TLAs are already watching.

Having an outlet in text for these kinds of things is far better than having none and then having these people act it out for real in their areas. It can also give people a head's up since some of these people post their manifesto before they act out.

Alternately providing a forum allows people to develop their views and nurture them in a community.

Maybe I'm a non-practising paedophile who has kept it in check because I know it's wrong. But then I find an online community which shares my attraction and suggests it's perfectly fine, and since I have all those people who seem to think I'm not doing anything wrong by looking at these pictures of young girls then going a step further and looking for child porn can't be that bad either...

Same thing with any kind of extremism, it's the communities around them that develops them into dangerous people. The one thing in common with virtually all these lone gunman type terrorists or spree killers is their involvement in extremist online communities. It's a positive feedback loop.

Life is full of unpleasant things. Making it illegal to talk about them does not make them go away; it just allows them to grow in the dark.

There's a difference between making it illegal to talk about and giving them a forum.

Reddit is a community, it has no obligation to cater to any specific topic.

Comment Re:Iran must go (Score 1) 163

Yet they shot first and took over parts of other nations.

If your view of that war is so shallow as to being about "who shot first", then you really have no business discussing the subject.

It is far more complex than that.

I don't think there's a clear A started it or B started it answer to '67.

Don't be obtuse, Israel didn't move their forces to the border first, they didn't make threats first, they didn't make demands.

The other nations shouldn't have moved their forces in such a threatening manor, then Israel wouldn't have been forced to defend herself.

When you walk up to someone swinging a bat in a threatening manor, don't be shocked when the other person punches you first, they can't afford to wait to be hit by the bat, they won't get a chance to fight back.

I'm not saying it was as simple as who shot first, I'm saying that it's more complex than a pure war of aggression by the Arab states.

And even if it were a war of aggression that doesn't justify Israeli land grabs.

You've also ignored the elephant in the room of ongoing Israeli settlements. It's like arguing whether Joe or Phil was responsible for starting the fight while ignoring that fact that Joe was robbing Phil's house.

If the Turkish Kurds tried to leave Turkey would try to force them to stay

Then that is a flaw of Turkey. It would be disrespecting the Kurds human rights of self-determination.

So it's a flaw of Turkey then. Either way the Kurds will end up paying for it if they try revolt against Turkey and end up in a bloody war surrounded by extremists. Bush thought that the Iraqis deserved democracy and self-determination, over a hundred thousand people died for that idealism and many of the remainder have less freedom than before.

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