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Comment Re:Top 10 cars sold and their mileage (Score 1) 1141

You don't have to be a farmer to find a justification for owning a pickup.

Construction workers, mechanics, hunters (better to use a beat up truck than a nice car to drive out in field to pick up a deer), maybe you shop a lot of auctions and yard sales and have furniture to bring home or take somewhere else to resell for profit. Many Americans find the utilitarian nature of a pickup as useful.

Primarily it's image though. I think it's the rough and tumble can do anything image/if I can do it myself why hire someone else to do it mentality, that originates in our pioneer/cowboy/rancher/farmer roots that is still ingrained in the majority of our psyche's, that drives the purchase of trucks.

Additionally, I would imagine most European's live in an urban setting, whereas we still have a large % of our population living in suburban and rural settings. Makes owning a larger vehicle easier to justify if you have somewhere you can park it, let alone cost an arm and a leg to do so.

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