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Comment Re:Boring (Score 1) 84

The computer allows us to make everything, and yet we insist on creating worlds that are essentially no different from the one we live in. Where is the weird, the fantastic, the horrible and the wonderful? Why do we settle, when we can have anything? When do we start creating art?

Normally, "art" *is* about creating worlds that are essentially no different from the one we live in. Mass market movies and genre novels are all about aliens, explosions, and dashing adventurers. Art movies and literary fiction are generally about realistic stories -- people coping with a divorce or the death of their child, things like that.

Comment Re:Offline apps (Score 1) 139

Do you don't use a laptop? Or do you have a 3G modem or something? That's the main point of Gears -- being able to edit a Google Docs document on a laptop without needing to find a wifi hotspot.

Comment Soft vs. Hard Science fiction (Score 1) 809

I thought people realized a long time ago that there was "soft" science fiction that really was just using SF to say something about current society and its problems and "hard" science fiction that was actually about the science and technology. Star Trek is probably the most famous example of the "soft" style. Stross obviously just prefers the second type.

Comment Re:Gerald Bull (Score 1) 384

Supposedly a "supergun". But like the rest of Iraqs' WMDs, it may may have been mythical. It's really not that absurd that Saddam would actually want a facility to launch peaceful satellites. I mean, the guy was a dictator, but he liked money; having a facility to hire out would have given him the cash to build even more palaces for himself.

Comment The games are $10 because they aren't worth more (Score 2, Interesting) 325

Really, I have yet to see an iPhone game that captured my attention for more than an hour or two -- even the recent version of the Sims for the iPhone is a very stripped down version of the real game. A DS or full fledged console or computer game may cost $30 or more but I expect I'll get at least 50 hours of enjoyment out of it....

Comment Re:Hawking's Compilation (Score 3, Interesting) 451

The problem is that most of these are not particularly good translations and lack commentary -- you won't be able to follow Newton, for example, without the detailed commentary that other editions, such as those edited by the historian of science Bernard Cohen, have. It isn't just converting Latin to English -- the mathematical techniques themselves need "translation" as nobody today does math using the primitive methods available to Newton.

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