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Comment Re:Are they (Score 1) 218

As your answer sounds like you know a bit about DGPS, I'll take this opportunity to ask a quick question. Is there a minimum distance between the two receivers required to calculate the error correction? Could this work on smaller systems, such as a car, i.e. one receiver on the front and back?

Comment Re:FFS (Score 1) 501

Hmmm, nice bat.

Life sucks, bad shit happens, and the best you can do is try to survive. If you don't learn your lessons, shit keeps on raining down. I think our society will be none the better for nannying.

Don't get me wrong. I hope this help some people think more about backups. However I'm sure we all know someone who totals car after car with out changing their habits.


Submission + - Fraudulent Netflix Ratings

Nom du Keyboard writes: For not the first time I notice a new film that hasn't yet even reached the theaters with hundreds of positive votes and/or reviews recorded on Netflix. This time the move is Inkheart. For a movie that doesn't even hit the theaters until January 23 it already has 428 votes and a rating of 4.3 (out of five) on Netflix. Seems more than a bit fraudulent to me. Also it has a review that doesn't even review the movie, but instead says the books are great therefore the movie should be too. Does the word "shills" come to mind? With millions spent just to promote a movie are a few hundred of that going to phony voters, or have that many people actually seen the film and just can't wait to rush home and log onto Netflix to vote? Just what is the responsibility here to provide honest ratings?

Journal Journal: Book review: Cory Doctorow's Little Brother 6

You're probably going to revoke my nerd license for admitting this, but I hadn't read any of Cory Doctorow's books before. I don't remember what it was, but I'd read a short something or other he'd written at Wired or somewhere that rubbed me the wrong way, and I simply refused to read any more. That was years ago; I don't even remember what I read or where I read it.

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Serving coffee on aircraft causes turbulence.
