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Comment Re:You MORONS. (Score 5, Funny) 366

Were I thus inclined, I'd go for the biggest market out there - patent a "procedure to transfer one's hereditry information onto a partial duplicate of oneself or the recreational practice thereof, through the use of a pshysio-mechanical maneuver with an individual of the opposing sex..."
After all the arguments over Homosexuality being inborn or a choice, it turns out it is just a work-around to avoid patent infringement!

Comment Re:OH NOES!! (Score 1) 869

Why do people keep repeating this over and over? It makes for a great anecdote, but there's a huge logical problem with it. If we fix the systems (customs that let them get in the country in the first place, watchlists, etc.) that allowed the hijackers to get on the place, then that's wonderful. BUT then all they need is a fake ID to bypass those restrictions. Thus, we need a secure ID to implement those changes.

Journal Journal: Troll Slaying Roundup 3

I apologize for the time between entries, but as many of you know, CmdrTaco has now all but eliminated trolling on Slashdot - and deserves our thanks for all his hard work! However a recent upsurge in trolling over the last four months has created some changes in the Master Troll Blacklist, and I'll document some of these changes for you now.
  • Fortknox - Beloved by many, Josh Marotti recently announced that he is in fact a
User Journal

Journal Journal: Answering the Mailbag 9

miagfmu writes:

To: TrollBlacklist
Subject: Non-troll request


I was looking at your list and am about to sign up. But, I saw a friend-of-a-friend
on the list, and thought it might not be such a great idea.

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