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Comment Re:This advertisement brought to you by Dice (Score 1) 116

Dice floods Slashdot with product launches as "news".

I wonder how much the vendors are paying them to promote their products?

I don't care what class of hardware they're shilling on a given day. Product launches belong on hardware review sites, not an IT related discussion forum.

WTF is there to "discuss" about a product launch? Whether you hate/love the vendor? Whether you believe their "increased spec X" claims? To rant that you'll never buy one or rave that you've got to have one?

Where is the meat to such discussions?

Comment You can find proof of anything (Score 4, Insightful) 144

You can find "proof" of anything you want to on the internet, whether it be that the Queen of England is really a lizard or that Steven Harper is a bible-thumping arsehole. You can "prove" Obama isn't really an American, that Kanye West is gawd or that Kanye West is the biggest ego to ever hit the planet.

The internet is just chock full of articles, forums, blogs, and other sources you can cite to support your pre-determined outcome.

It has always been this way -- there is no "fact checking" required to post something. On the other hand, there is no "editor" on a "mission" to change what you post, either.

At the core of it, the problem is not the internet nor the history it exposes, but the viciousness and old-fashioned nastiness of people who want to destroy others, often just because they can. Add that in to the human stew that just loves to hear and read nasty gossip about people they're jealous of, and you have a recipe for the "loser edit."

Where the internet differs from reality TV, though, is that with "reality" TV, all the episodes are subject to "loser edits" because that's what builds "characters" out of hours and hours of otherwise useless footage into something the general public will suck back like sweetened pablum.

Comment Are the search results relevant? (Score 1) 106

Are the search results relevant to my query?

That's all I care about.

I don't give two shits about someone's web portal losing eyeballs and customers. If you're selling relevant products, you'll show up in the search results. If you're not, I don't give a damn about you. You don't have a "right" to profit -- you have to earn it.

Comment Re:Even Apple is abandoning Objective-C (Score 1) 407

Five minutes with Google and no Apple-rosy glasses.

Most Linux libraries are built with C. Does that mean you have to use C to program Linux? Of course not.

So too with the existing Objective-C libraries. The language used to write a library is irrelevant; what matters is the language bindings the programmer uses to invoke the libraries.

Comment Re:Even Apple is abandoning Objective-C (Score 1) 407



From http://www.raywenderlich.com/74138/swift-language-faq:

So you can still use Objective-C. However, Apple seems to be encouraging you to use Swift for any new development, while not expecting you to go back and re-write all of your Objective-C code.

From www.archer-soft.com/en/blog/technology-swift-vs-acobjective-c-pros-and-cons:

Swift was created in order to replace Objective-C, however, Swift is capable of working alongside Objective-C while using Cocoa and Cocoa Touch frameworks.

Comment Re:Even Apple is abandoning Objective-C (Score 1) 407

The fact that Apple has to maintain internals using Objective-C does not conflict with the fact that they're pushing platform developers to use Swift. There are pieces of Apple's stack written in C, C++, and probably even other languages as well, seeing as the vast majority of their code base comes from open source.

Of course Apple hasn't said Objective-C is a dead end. There would be a revolt and a mass fleeing from the platform if they did that.

But they sure as hell aren't encouraging people to stay on Objective-C instead of moving to Swift.

Are you sure you're on the same internet as the rest of us? I've read several articles and summaries (including on Slashdot) that have made it clear Apple wants people to use Swift.

Oh, wait. Never mind. Apple person. You don't deal with the same reality as the rest of the world.

Comment Yahoo is already a zombie (Score 1) 167

Yahoo is already dead, and just can't accept the fact.

Over a year ago, they pushed an unholy abortion of an email interface that takes over 2 MINUTES to load on a 6.5 megabit link.

Now they've pushed an interface for their main news page that doesn't even render or refresh properly with Iceweasel/Debian.

While other sites are developing slick HTML5 interfaces, Yahoo seems hell-bent on creating the most UNUSABLE interfaces to hit the web since the days of AOL.

Quite frankly, when they die, it will be "good riddance" to the eyesore that Yahoo has become.

Comment Which is why the latest round needs more oversight (Score 1) 18

This kind of abuse is why the latest round of "anti-terrorism" legislation from the Conservative jackboots who currently run our country needs more oversight. Having one person in charge of the oversight is just rife with the potential for sweeping issues under the rug and failure to detect problems.

I firmly believe that a committee of at least three politicians and one "specialist" should be overseeing all of these Canadian privacy-related issues, regardless of "national security" issues -- one from each of the major parties. (The only reason I don't say four is May is a whackjob and there are no other Green Party members of parliament -- that woman isn't qualified to oversee lunch.)

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