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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 2 declined, 2 accepted (4 total, 50.00% accepted)


Submission + - Lessig for Congress(?!) (ox.ac.uk)

luge writes: "With the unfortunate passing of Congressman Tom Lantos parts of Silicon Valley and San Francisco will be having a special election in June to send a replacement to Congress. Given the area, it would be great to have someone who is both tech and policy-aware fill the seat- and it looks like that just might happen, with a 'Draft Lessig' group forming on facebook, featuring some of Lessig's old co-workers at Harvard and Jimmy Wales, among others, and Lessig apparently buying 'change-congress.com'. No word from the man himself yet, but he's been increasingly vocal about politics of late. If it happens, it would be a huge step forward for the representation of technology in Washington."

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