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Comment Re:Government Intervention (Score 3, Interesting) 495

In the Netherlands, the incumbent telco PTT (now KPN) was first forced to co-locate equipment from other ISPs (they actually sabotaged that equipment from time to time), then forced to share the local loop for a reasonable fee.

Yeah, we had the same thing here, complete with sabotage, but then we got rid of it.

Comment Re:Ignores how disks often fail (Score 1) 258

The spare platter strategy does nothing to reduce this failure mode. In fact, all modern disks already have spare space for bad block relocation.

Including pretty much everything with an onboard controller. "Modern" is understating the case.

If I were expecting an array to last a long time without being touched, I would expect it to have a whole bunch of spares that never even got heated up until they were needed, just sat there in the box enjoying living in a relatively temperature-constant environment. Sure, there's fluctuations, but they'll all be within the operating temperature range of the drives.

Comment Re:Reasons why I don't like the Internet of Things (Score 1) 252

A cellphone phone is a thing and it's usually connected to the internet. An internet of things no less.

I'm pretty sure that you know that these "things" are things which have a purpose other than being a computer, which a cellphone doesn't. (POTS being obsolete today, though still useful)

Comment Re:What's more irritating? (Score 1) 252

As if "the internet of things" is somehow more special than the idea that as the tech gets cheaper, more and more things will connect to wireless networks.

Yes, the idea is that this time has come. It hasn't, but believing that it has will usher it in as the increased demand produces the parts we need to actually do the thing. In the meantime a lot of startups will rise and asplode.

Comment Re:First they came for... (Score 0) 228

what have you "won" exactly?

You "win" Turkish citizens annoyed with their government -- a win in the only venue likely to be able to create change there.

i stopped reading there

how did that work with cuba? iran? north korea? china?

what you're asking for is massacred citizens

iran for example


no matter how many intelligent, forward thinking students you have agitating in the cities, the government just calls up busloads of basiji thugs from the countryside and cracks skulls until change seekers shut up in fear. or worse:


slow stead engagement is what really works

reactionary inflexibility simply means no change at all

welcome to reality

this is you:


pragmatism, flexibility, realism, compromise always wins

inflexible ideological dogmatism is how you lose and are ignored

Comment Re:Eisenhower said it (Score 2) 214

well yeah, by definition a rock star is very rare

so if you want a rockstar working for you, you better be ready to shell out big money or provide truly extraordinary perks

you can't just expect or demand rock star status from average or even above average programmers. you can't mold people's personalities like their technical proficiency. i suppose there does exist stress mitigating strategies someone can consciously adapt. but from the rock star i met, it is a sort of chilly immunity to even the concept of stress that is quite awesome to behold

that's why i quoted eisenhower

because when i met such a person, i immediately thought of someone functioning under the stresses of extreme combat. i thought of this person on the eastern front in wwii. what it would take to survive *real* stress, because stress in programming, while real, taken in perspective to something like fields of combat, is a joke

i always wondered if this person had indeed been in such an extreme stressful environment, like war. a sort of "once i've seen that, none of this shit impresses me." because indeed, nothing seemed to impress him. you could scream in his face and he would react the same as if you were casually discussing gardening. nothing phased the dude

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