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Comment Re:Engineers (Score 1) 769

"Engineers also believe in objective and observable truth. And honestly, politicians are an offense."

I'll vote for this.

Engineers are trained to understand systems. Nearly(?) all governments are systems that are in a continual state of disrepair and rarely live up to their billings. Explanations of this perception to laypersons fall on deaf, confused and often hostile ears. Driven to the brink of madness by the inability of the mob to understand, the only thing left of the engineer's psyche is the rote task of system design and a searing hate for the entity that drove them to their psychotic state.

On occasion you can read the results in the news.

Comment Re:why do people work for Raytheon? (Score 1) 278

What sequence of moral thoughts goes through their heads?

I'm interested.

Sequentially? I'm sure it won't apply to everyone there, but it might give you an idea. OK, so here's how it went:

1. Holy shit, I'm running out of food. I'd better get a job.
2. Ugh. This is all we've got? Whatever, I'll probably be looking for another job soon.
3. Wow, they do some really cool technical shit in here. That ought to take some of my mind off of it.
4. My god, this bureaucracy sucks. If this is how the government is run it's no wonder we're so fucked up.
5. Well, at least I'm repairing defensive shit, right? Right?!
6. Why do they have to do such shady book keeping? They'd still be making a killing :(NPI) even if they didn't encourage people to fuck off and charge every allotted hour to the tax payer.
7. Whose idea was it to mix union PCB rework technicians with non-union bench techs anyways? Just let me do my fucking job!
8. Well, maybe your a fucking idiot, but besides knowing that capacitor tops shoot off, solder flings and that springs sprong, i also know that you don't need to wear those godamned safety glasses to type reports into computers.
9. Screw you guys, I'm going home.

But the #1 recurring thought throughout the entire event was: If I wasn't so sick of seeing this shit that EVERY TAX PAYING U.S. CITIZEN blindly or knowingly supports and that every external country allows to continue then, maybe then I'd do the species a favor and get a decent job, but as it stands this historically recurring loop of collecting enemies is getting old and we're probably about ready to just let the hawks have their way and wipe out the whole godamned species. The only way to "win" is to let the people who stupidly think, "winning is important" to "win." Unfortunately, I'm sure that being the fuck-ups we are we couldn't wipe ourselves out completely and that there'd be a few idiots left over who'd deem some of the other idiots as inferior and enslave them... and It'd be just our luck that the Hindus would be right leaving the whole lot of us to be reincarnated in to this fucking shit stain cycle of existence over and over and...

Anyway, you can work for a tin pot dictator at a small company with shitty wages and watch the majority of your fruits and labor pay for, ehem, "entertainment" while seeing none of your relinquished efforts go towards any useful social concepts like reducing war mentality and consensual, victim-less crime laws. Or you can work for a company and industry that killed efficient public transportation, also supports the MIC, and gets deep in bed with companies who fill oceans with sludge. Or you could go into the medical field and support that greedy god-complex bureaucracy. Or you could get into a tech company and do some hard-core patent trolling and shady data farming. How about law... any lawyers out there? Bankers? If you really want to get involved you could walk right in to the belly of the beast and become the next sock-puppet president who gets it soul ripped out through its bottom aperture while saying and doing absolutely nothing substantial that isn't counterbalanced by something purely evil... at least until you're out of office at which point you'll become another ineffectual 'tard like the rest of us. But don't worry because apparently you can ping pong that partisan bullshit back and forth for decades... you'll be sure to get at least 4 years out of that job and you'll have had your ultimate shot "to do something special... just don't you forget JFK, motherfucker" (that was your CIA bodyguard talking. you can replace him with another clone if you'd like).

Even if you magically manage to sidestep the shitty employment choices born out of an anally-raped-and-loving-it culture don't you EVER forget that YOU'RE paying your fair share of blood taxes just like all the other good imperialist citizens, citizen.

What a spectacle, hope you're enjoying the show.

Comment Re:I recommend ... (Score 5, Insightful) 687

"The principal doesn't know enough about electronics..." How could he not know? He's overseeing a *technical* school. Does he ever venture out into the halls or talk to the kids? He's a fucking absentee landlord and deserves to lose his job two weeks ago. And shame on the parents for letting the gestapo inspect their house and suggest counseling after "da bomb" was determined to be harmless.

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