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Submission + - Clojure 1.0 Released (

Hornsby writes: "Yesterday marked the official release of Clojure 1.0. After several years of heavy development, the 1.0 branch will enable people to consume a stable version of Clojure and move to bugfix-only incremental versions while preserving API stability. Clojure was produced over the course of a self-funded sabbatical by it's author, Rich Hickey, and aims to provide a modern Lisp running on the JVM with excellent support for concurrency and Java interoperability."

Comment Re:Wishful Thinking (Score 1) 41

why not just practice at the real thing?
Because you don't want to spend years getting good enough at an instrument. By simplifying it down to button mashing, you can catch the patterns in a matter of days, or weeks if you have other things to do.

Submission + - Drinking Alcohol May Extend Your Life

Adolytsi writes: MSNBC has an interesting article on an Italian study on alcoholism. While the obvious notion of overconsumption of alcohol being detrimental to one's health is supported, apparently drinking it in moderation can actually extend your lifespan. A study on over 1 million drinkers and 94,000 deaths yielded the results:

"According to the data, drinking a moderate amount of alcohol — up to four drinks per day in men and two drinks per day in women — reduces the risk of death from any cause by roughly 18 percent, the team reports in the Archives of Internal Medicine. However, "things radically change" when consumption goes beyond these levels, study leader Dr. Augusto Di Castelnuovo, from Catholic University of Campobasso, said in a statement. Men who have more than four drinks per day and women who have more than two drinks per day not only lose the protection that alcohol affords, but they increase their risk of death, the data indicates."

Submission + - Sony: nobody will ever tap full power of PS3

Tighthead Prop writes: Sony executive Phil Harrison has made some brash comments about the Cell processor and the PlayStation 3. Harrison says that the current PS3 game lineup is using less than half of the machines power, adding that 'nobody will ever use 100 percent of its capacity.' Is he right? 'The major reason Harrison wants to hype up the "unlimited" potential of the PS3's architecture is to downplay comparisons between games running on Sony's console and Microsoft's Xbox 360. The two systems are not completely dissimilar: they both contain a PowerPC core running at 3.2 GHz, both have similarly-clocked GPUs, and both come with 512 MB of RAM.'

Submission + - Lazy Programming and Evaluation

IdaAshley writes: Lazy programming is a general concept of delaying the processing of a function or request until the results are needed. This concept has numerous applications, from the obvious to the obscure. Thinking in terms of lazy programming can help you rid your code of unneeded computation and restructure programs to be more problem-oriented.

Comment Re:Maybe your a noob? (Score 1) 390

Actually, on any DB it's better to create the index after the fact if possible for a simple reason. The most common index is a B-tree, and creating it after the fact leaves you with a perfectly balanced tree. Creating it while loading data requires a lookup for every row, which takes much longer, and it also results in an unbalanced tree, so your queries will not be as efficient. In my initial attempt using MySQL, I actually did create the index ahead of time, but the time required to load the data was much too long. I researched this issue quite a bit, and found this article, which echoed the sentiments of many, indicating that it's much more efficient to create the index after the fact. n-part-1/6/

This seemed like it would work but lead me to the previously described problem. I would also like to add that the company I work for does use MySQL in certain instances with tables over 100 million rows; however, these databases are maintained by a third-party company specializing in the application, and even they wrestle with corruption quite frequently. I've used MySQL quite a bit in the past, and I'm not saying it's impossible to use with large amounts of data. I'm saying it's a PAIN, and out of the box Postgres is much easier to work with and much easier to maintain. Anyway, this is just my experience, so take it FWIW. BTW, it's pretty obvious that you're trolling at this point, so I'm only responding for the benefit of those who might actually be interested in doing this for a living in the "real world".

Comment please, less science, more fluff (Score 3, Funny) 491

I am getting sick of all these incomprehensibly esoteric articles. I like science, but sometimes the posts on slashdot are just too technical for me. This article on stealing lunches is a case in point. The pages and pages of analyses, the incredibly detailed social models that they used to arrive at their conclusions, the dogs eating lunches... it's a bit much for the layperson to grasp in one sitting. Editors: could we please get something a little lighter next time?

Comment OMFG Client Server Apps (Score 2, Insightful) 270

AJAX... Woo!! After 20 years of toil and effort we have managed to recreate the Client Server application model that held us strong all through the days before the PC. Cool. I love the hype around the reinvention of 30 year old tech, on a new platform

Journal Journal: Trollback for September 2004 5

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Journal Journal: Trollback for August 2004 11

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Journal Journal: Trollback for July 2004 16

editor's note: this posting delayed by 503 errors. cmdrtaco does not apologize for the inconvenience.

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Journal Journal: Trollback for June 2004 12

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