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Comment Re:How to read f*ucked up code (Score 1) 336

But what counts even more is that the person is a good working fit with the senior programmer in general, and appears to be someone who can learn as they go (because no matter how good their C++ skills are, they're going to be DOING IT WRONG according to the senior programmer).

Very very true! I'm not a C++ guy, but everytime I got put on a different COBOL project, I had to adjust to a different way of doing it.

Comment Re:3.11 hit the sweet spot. (Score 1) 387

At college we used to say that only a fool would have win at the end of his autoexec.bat. The rest of us would run windows when we needed it, from the DOS prompt as God intended. I had a friend who ran OS/2 2.1 with a text-mode shell that multitasked MS-DOS apps, and that was far more useful at the time than Windows was, since all our apps were DOS apps back then.

IIRC, I got a machine in that era that had an autoexec.bat already set up. One of the first things I did was comment out the "win".

Comment Re:America's War On Drugs is a Failure (Score 1) 110

Yup. And it's not just true for the President. My city recently had a primary for mayor. The 3 choices were the current mayor, with a history of raising taxes and spending on "projects" while neglecting failing infrastructure, a crazy guy who doesn't even LIVE in the city, and some guy nobody's ever heard of. The crazy guy got eliminated, so the big race will be between the status quo and the no-name guy. I don't think no-name has a chance.

Comment Re:most techies will perceive it that way (Score 1) 461

What about all the people that can ONLY get AOL in their rural areas (the Comcast "go fuck yourself" zones)? It seems strange to think less of them for living in the wrong place.

Well, people in the middle of their farms, milking their cow with a pitchfork sticking out their back pocket, aren't usually considered tech-savvy themselves, even if they DON'T use AOL. :)

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Software production is assumed to be a line function, but it is run like a staff function. -- Paul Licker
