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User Journal

Journal Journal: Reason for lpangalrob2 and Ann Coulter

Anyone who claims they voted for Gore over Dubya in 2000, but is going to vote for Dubya over Kerry in 2004 is either crazy, stupid, gullible, lying, or some combination thereof.

The post where I noticed the sig was rather dumb and useless, which mostly supports the second option.

The other one is, to the best of my understanding, a true goddess of hate speech. I'd call her anti-patriotic and anti-democratic, but that would be a reasoned approach, and her blather transcends reason. Since the actual post I noticed was not pure blather, it is safe to assume the author is not the real person, but just a sicko admirer.


Journal Journal: "Doesn't Comment Code" is a fool and a foe

Typical mindless Bushevik sig saying terrorists hate Dubya. Point of fact is that you always want your enemies to have incompetent leadership, and the terrorists can't possibly hope for more incompetence than Dubya provides. The fuel of terrorists is hate, and Dubya has created enough to top off their tanks for MANY years.
United States

Journal Journal: ncc74656

Another moronic Dubya supporter. The post where I noticed him was about Gilligan's Island and Monty Python. 'Nuff said.

"Free" broadcast television turned out to be worth even less than we paid for it. An entire generation of wasted minds.

User Journal

Journal Journal: bryanthompson

Typical lying Bushevik sig, claiming UBL endorses Kerry. In actuality, hate (like his) is what fuels terrorism. Dubya is doing such a great job of increasing the international hatred against America that UBL has to love Dubya and be praying for his continuation in office. Probably wouldn't endorse Dubya, however. I think UBL would prefer to see another coup like in 2000.
User Journal

Journal Journal: New and obscene Bushevik spotted

Well, his post was most notable for all the obscenities, but then I noticed his anti-Michael-Moore sig and decided to officially tag him as a foe. He cites one of the more idiotic lists of supposed lies in Fahrenheit 9/11 , except that there aren't any lies in the list, just various half-baked claims that that author's interpretations of certain carefully selected facts (mixed in with some half-truths and outright BushCo agitprop) are better than Michael Moore's interpretation of some other facts.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Old Burke

I've decided to start annotating why I mark someone as a friend or foe, for what little that's worth. In the case of the Old Burke, it's for his signature equating patriotism with voting Republican. That is a completely false equivalence, more suitable to the Stalin's Soviet Union, simply substituting "Communist" for "Republican".

My own observations are that the "modern" GOP voters are mostly in three classes: Greedy rich bastards, single-issue fools, and people who always vote that way.

Statistically, I believe the first group is actually quite small, mostly because rich people are scarce, but also because not all rich people are greedy and nasty. However, this first group is where the GOP money comes from--they don't donate to politicians. They invest in bribable ones like Bush. Dubya's largest contributor = Enron. I rest my case.

The last group is the largest (for both parties), and least "helpful" for real democracy. Though numerous, they are most effectively neutralized by low turnout, because most of them are rather apathetic. Why should they care? They already know which way they're going to vote. My theory here is that the balance is most influenced by conditions when they were growing up. If they grew up poor, as in the Depression or in a poor family, they tended to become Democrats, but if they grew up in a rich family, they are more likely to be Republicans. Historically, the GOP was weaker here, but these years it's shifting in their favor.

The second group, though smaller, is large enough to be crucial for swinging elections through special interest appeals. They are also the ones that can be motivated to deliver large and reliable blocks of votes. These are the fanatics like gun nuts or anti-abortionists. Just appeal to their issue, and they'll deliver their votes. They go beyond being unhelpful to real democracy--they act to destroy it.

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