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Comment Re:Real problem? (Score 1) 107

Oyster shells are ground up and fed to chickens as a source of calcium. Chickens need a lot of calcium to keep laying eggs every day, and if they get deficient, they can lay the eggs with thin or even no shells.

Actually, I wouldn't be too surprised if they actually used them in human calcium supplements as well. (I have no idea if they do, but it would seem reasonable.)

Comment Re:wow, what insight... (Score 2) 98

Yes, the human ear can distinguish vertical position as well. Ever wonder why the outer ear (the pinna) is shaped so weird? It's so it will distort sound coming from different directions differently.

Here's an demonstration I saw at the Exploratorium in San Fransisco, but you can easily reproduce this at home.

Close your eyes, and have someone standing beside you jingle a ring of keys near your ear, above, below, and adjacent. It's easy to tell where the sound is coming from.

Now bend the top cartilage over, so the shape of the ear is distorted, and repeat the previous experiment. Now the easy task of detecting direction becomes almost impossible.


Submission + - Good News About The Cloud: Everything Fails (forbes.com)

SpitefulBen writes: What lessons should architects of high-availability services take from events such as the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan and the Amazon Web Services outage of April 2011?

Michael Crandell writes in Forbes, "These events prove that neither public clouds nor private data centers constitute a magic bullet for all the needs of today's businesses. In the case of the Amazon cloud, it may in fact have been its remarkable record of operational excellence that led customers to assume that the inherent scalable, redundant and global nature of the cloud would protect them from having their systems go down. It'(TM)s the ability to fail over to alternative cloud resources pools quickly and seamlessly that is critical to maintaining continuous operations. Already, ZDNet Japan has reported on several new cloud deployments by private companies and government agencies as a direct result of the earthquake."


Submission + - Activists destroy scientific GMO experiment (deredactie.be)

Freggy writes: "In Belgium, a group of activists calling themselves the Field Liberation Movement has destroyed a field which was being used for a scientific experiment with genetically modified potatoes. In spite of the presence of 60 police officers protecting the field, activists succeeded pulling out the plants and sprayed insecticides over them, ruining the experiment. The goal of the experiment was to test potato plants which are genetically modified to be resistant to potato blight. It's a sad day for the freedom of scientific research."

Comment Re:Why put tabs in code anyway? (Score 1) 390

I used to indent parameters across multiple lines like that, but they're just too much of a hassle to maintain like that. I think it's just as readable and less work if you put each parameter on its own line, just give it normal indention:

if (AThing)

or normal indention + 1 indent:

if (AThing)

Comment Re:The problem solved by QWERTY makes faster typin (Score 1) 663

You make very good points about alternating between hands. The strength of the Dvorak keyboard is that a high percentage of English words are typed in an alternating pattern. In QWERTY there are a lot of words that require typing two consecutive letters with the same finger. In Dvorak, there are quite a few words which can be "rolled". In fact, my most common typing mistakes in Dvorak are hitting the keys in the wrong order because I can basically "press" the word, and it's a matter of the keystrokes landing in the right order. QWERTY typing has a much rougher rhythm to it.

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