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Comment Microsoft (Score 1) 569

If it's a software vendor, there's one question: "What's your Microsoft plan?" Though for some spaces, it might better be phrased "What's your Apple plan?"

They capture 30% of whatever market they enter -- by bundling with other agreements, by marketing more effectively, occasionally even by making a product that people want. Add in pressure to expand into new markets so you can show growth to Wall Street, and it's obvious that sooner or later there's going to be an 800 lb gorilla in the cage with you.

Potential responses:
1) "They're not interested in this space." Either the employer's got their head in the sand, or they're right... and there's not enough money there for long term viability.
2) "We've already faced that threat and won, and we're doing some innovative things to stay ahead." This is good.
3) "I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you." They could be right, and you're going to be working in a very strange environment... or they could just be paranoid loonies, and you're going to be working in a very strange environment.

Comment Re:Apple makes good hardware (Score 1) 322


I mean, really?

Can you look yourself in the mirror while you say those words?

To each his own, I suppose, but it is my considered opinion that Apple's laptops are what you'd get if Sony had the same level of control over driver software and OS. Flashy ideas marred by poor execution and a complete disregard for usability, maintainability, and consistency.

Comment Re:Don't quit (Score 1) 262

If you're bored, code something in your spare time. Read books on dealing with dysfunctional organizations; over time, you might be able to improve the place.

I highly recommend Machiavelli (no, I'm not joking). I checked it out from the library as soon as I got back from my second interview with my current employer, and the precepts have been crucial to survival and success here.

I'm not saying it's good or bad or indifferent that reading The Prince is necessary, it's just a realization. If the place you're going to work is run on politics, you need to understand the rules. If you think that the place you work isn't run on politics, that just means that the people in charge agree with you and are taking care of your needs for you.

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