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Comment Re:Excuse me Sir, I'm lost... (Score 1) 234

I'm thinking the court room comment for that is:

Leads to speculation...


How am I responsible for others action? I could document how to build, place and detonate a explosive device, but I don't believe that makes me responsible for the actions of another individual using those documents to commit a crime, at least in the U.S.

Not true in Sweden?

Comment Re:I'm all for it, (Score 1) 191

I'm calling bull on your rhetoric:

Average daily juror pay: $22 (approximately 25 percent of daily per capita income), Average length of jury trial: five days for criminal trials, four days for civil trials, Average length of jury deliberations: four hours for both criminal and civil trials

Data is from 2009


Step up and be an American!

Comment Re:I'm all for it, (Score 5, Insightful) 191

I hope you, and others that "dodge" jury duty, get into legal trouble soon!

So you too can be judged by the "unfortunate ones" of the world that weren't "smart enough" to get out of jury duty. You know, the illiterate morons that end up finding the innocent guilty, and the guilty innocent...

Why do you feel it's ok to take an essential part of the civic infrastructure for granted?

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