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Submission + - Introducing students to the world of open source (opensource.com)

paulproteus writes: "Most computer science never see a bug tracker, and very few learn about version control. Classes don't teach the skills needed for participation. So I organized a weekend workshop at the University of Pennsylvania. Total newbies enthusiastically spent the day on IRC, learned git, built a project from source, and read bugs in real projects. I learned that there's no shortage of students that want to get involved."
The Internet

Submission + - Cosmetic Carbon Copy, a new standard in email (ietfng.org)

paulproteus writes: "Say you have an email where you want to send an extra copy to someone without telling everyone. There's always been a field for that: BCC, or Blind Carbon Copy. But how often have you wanted to do the opposite: make everyone else think you sent a copy to somebody without actually having done so? Enter the new IETF-NG RFC: Cosmetic Carbon Copy, or CCC. Now you can conveniently email all of your friends (with a convenient exception or two...) with ease!"

Comment Re:Useless. (Score 3, Insightful) 502

He got these ideas when one day he found that extremely complex events can be expressed in relatively simple equations. Seeing that complex events can be so reduced, that's where is '4 lines of code' is coming from. He believes that the falling of a raindrop is of equal complexity as the behavior of gases in a nebula - a single equation can predict both.

Maybe it can't be proven, per se, but nothing scientific can be. All scientific theories are that - just theories. None of it should be dogma, for that would violate the principles of science. There's nothing lost if such equations must be considered hypotheses that have yet to be proven wrong.

This isn't meant to create a tidy artificial universe. It's to prove that the real universe can be predicted by simple equations. Whether he succeeds or not - that's the problem. There's no middle ground. Either this will be the waste of a brilliant mind (read his background in the latest Wired) or the greatest revolution in the history of science and a certain Nobel Prize.

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