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Comment Alan Turing should be Knighted (Score 1) 146

There's a campaign that was start to Knight Alan Turing, which would be an appropriate honor bestowed by the government which treated him so horrifically. More information is available here:

http://news.pinkpaper.com/NewsStory.aspx?id=1704 ...or just Google it. If it were to happen a year from today, that would be wonderfully appropriate, though I doubt Turing would care too much about a number stuck in base 10.

Comment Blame Sound Bite Bonnie (Score 1) 607

SciFi/SyFy has being going downhill since Bonnie Hammer took over over CEO in 2001. They never gave a Babylon 5 series a real chance, interfering with the one pilot they did attempt. Add on to that the whole fiasco of promising two seasons to Farscape before pulling a bait and switch, followed up by bringing in Shannon Frickin' Doherty to do that godawful Scare Tactics, and the writing has been on the wall for some time.

Now she's on to killing NBC Universal. How people like this keep getting more chances after abject failures is beyond me.

Time to kill it, not fund it.

Comment Theory and Science, Not Language (Score 2, Interesting) 569

I'm a firm believer that the theory, science, and logic of programming is far more important than the language itself. Once you understand the important aspects of elegant design, the rules of most languages are the same. I graduated in 1996 - a while back now - but remember that the thing I thought most sorely lacking from my education was a firm understanding of database architecture and design. That is going to be just as important as understanding solid programming in any job. If a database is well designed, the code should almost write itself, once you understand end users requirements.

After that mouthful, Tiobe does a fairly good job at monitoring trends in programming language popularity. Java/C/C++ are 1/2/3 according to them. You can see their full list and trends here:




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