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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 10 declined, 1 accepted (11 total, 9.09% accepted)


Submission + - Cross-platform sample without revealing code?

cos(0) writes: "I will be teaching a computer science / C++ course to high school students. They will have two projects they'll have to take to completion, making one improvement at a time. Since all students will be working on the same projects, I would like to provide a sample implementation that they could run to see what's expected of them in terms of interacting with the program and its functionality—but I don't want them to see how it's structured in terms of classes, functions, and other high-level logic. I'd provide a binary—but students may use their own laptops, and I know that there will be multiple platforms in the classroom. I've gone down the path of code obfuscation and compiling followed by decompiling, but neither approach is as fruitful as I like. Code obfuscators are few and expensive, and decompilers are few, immature, and I haven't been able to get one to work for me. How can I provide a sample implementation to all my students while shrouding its logic?"

Submission + - Teaching C++ to high schoolers in six weeks?

cos(0) writes: "In one week, I will take a classroomful of high schoolers of different grade levels and widely varied exposure to computer science and programming, and try to go from "What is a computer" to C++ polymorphism and operator overloading in 17 two-hour sessions three days a week. The course is unique: students will use whatever IDE they want, we'll use Subversion for everything, and they'll implement a team project (industry software) and an individual project (a game) from scratch. Please recommend interesting and engaging ways of teaching Comp Sci and C++ concepts at a very rapid pace to high schoolers, and general ways to make this course fun and productive."

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