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Comment Re:Oh, the entitlement... (Score 1) 246

Except that Microsoft never had a monopoly on either music players or music downloads, so there would be no case to answer here. And neither did Apple. There's always been plenty of viable non-Apple choice in the digital music marketplace. And I suspect the fact that the iPod and iTunes started up at the same time, locked to each other, will go a long way to exonerating them - they didn't suddenly decide to use an established monopoly in one area as a foothold to gain a monopoly in the other. They started up two inextricably linked services, and if they gained a monopoly (which I do not believe the did) then they gained both togther as a package deal. Which, I suspect (IANAL), is probably not anti-trust.

Comment Re:EU is getting Lame (Score 1) 334

Google is not an EU company. The EU doesn't have any control over Google.

They have control over any company that wants to do business in the EU. They can't directly break them up, but they can give them an ultimatum - "form a separate company to run your EU search business, or we will ban you from doing business within the EU". Or something like that. My example is probably overly simplistic and naive as I'm not an expert on international trade law, but just because they are incorporated in the US does not render the EU entirely toothless.

Comment Re:Shattered (Score 1) 473

I backed at the £750 level, the top reward at that tier is an invite to the launch party this Saturday. As well as that you get access to the design descussion forum, the alpha and beta stages, a bunch of naming rights (system, planet, station, NPCs, etc.), and a few extra starting options in the game.

Comment Re:"Just pay extra..." (Score 1) 473

The number of paid Alpha's, premium content, several Beta's (Beta Premium!) is unbelievable and they seem to want to make me wait until the very day of release before I get anything out of my backing unless I pay more money.

Why is it unbelievable? You will get the product when it is released, presumably that's the level that you backed it at. They just don't want to give stuff away for free that others have paid for.

Comment Re:no dimocrats (Score 1) 551

1) Not that it necessarily makes it wrong to vote Libertarian (well... depending on your view of things), but real philosophical Libertarians that have researched the subject well tend to be completely anti-statist, or in other words they espouse a form of anarchy (Anarcho-Capitalism). When looked at from that point of view, it's almost non-sensical, and possibly badly-motivated, for there to be "Libertarian" political candidates or parties. It's sort of like having a guy in the Senate who has "Anarchy" listed as his affiliation; if he was really an Anarchist, he wouldn't believe in being anyone's Senator.

That's just nonsense. You're saying "If you disagree with the system, then do not do anything to change it".

Comment Re:Classification (Score 3, Informative) 219

There are "planets". 8 of them.
Then, there are a bunch of "dwarf planets" - Pluto, Ceres, Eris, etc.
"Minor planets" - there are thousands, millions, I'm not sure, but a lot of these.
"Exoplanets", let's divide these into two categories - system exoplanets, that orbit a star like our planets, dwarf planets, and minor planets, and systemless exoplanets that do not orbit a star.
These are all different kinds of planet. In astronomical terminology, the word "planet" by itself is reserved for the Big Eight, but all these other things are a kind of planet.

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