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Comment Re:Ungrateful krauts (Score 1) 606

If they don't want a particular benefit, whether in general or just Denmark's particular implementation of it, the American can choose to save the money or find an alternate benefit more to his or her liking, while the Danish citizen has no choice but to pay the tax and accept whatever benefits the state chooses to provide.

Ah, the old "freedom of choice" argument. For example, Americans are free to get medical care or insurance that they can't afford, or to be in debt for the rest of their lives to get a college education. Now that's freedom!

Let me clue you in - you have created a false dichotomy there. Those are not the only options in America. I have a college education, medical insurance I can afford, and no debt except the mortgage on my house. And I wasn't born rich, either - far from it.

Comment Re:Ungrateful krauts (Score 1) 606

Working people shouldn't have to pay taxes to support them.

That's begging the question. We could all just agree to live in a society together, where those who can will do, and those who can't will do whatever they can

And what if we don't all just agree to that? Why shouldn't creative, productive and capable people enjoy the fruits of their labors, instead of having them taken away and given to somebody else? Why should I be your beast of burden? Of course, we already know the answer to that - the proletariat is larger numerically, and so any democratic society inevitably trends toward socialism. God forbid anybody should try to get ahead.

Comment Re:Epic Fail. (Score 1) 182

As more things become automated, people will find new things to do. Unemployment didn't increase when we stopped making buggy whips, those people went to work making cars. As we develop new technologies, people will be needed to work in those new technologies, until they become sufficiently automated, by which time other technologies will be new. Eventually, we will need people to travel to and colonize new planets.

Comment Re:If they are SO REALLY CONCERN about religion .. (Score 1) 674

Personal experience, as well as what's reported in the news everyday, disagrees with what you are saying. Not the part about Muslims being more touchy about religion overall - they very well may be; I must admit I don't know many if any Muslims personally - but that trying to spread reason and science among other religions, especially (IMO) Christians, is "preaching to the choir". There are a lot of Christians in this country (the US, that is) that genuinely believe in creation mythology, who think the world is six thousand years old, who reject evolution, who think the myths of the New Testament (raising the dead, feeding the multitude, etc.) are real, etc. and who certainly would not engage in any serious discussion about the existence vs. non-existence of God. I still recall that girl in 8th grade who told me she'd pray for me 'cause I was going to Hell - and that was in New York, less than 100 miles from NYC - I can't imagine what it must be like growing up in certain other parts of the US, even today. Dawkins et al still have plenty of work to do, right here in the US.

Comment Re:Why Bother? (Score 1) 152

The problem with electric bikes is that it doesn't fix the root problem, which is, that the person is out of shape.

Electric bikes with throttles won't. But electric assist does require some effort, and thus will help the unfit to get fitter.

So now it's not enough to want to do something good for the environment, we have to adopt a particular health lifestyle too? Screw it; I'll just keep using my car then. Why do you people have to look down your noses at other people who might be trying to do something good, without necessarily being concerned about doing what you think is good?

Comment Re:Proud to be an American! (Score 1) 324

I feel like folks far, far away from here knowing something private about me would have less inherent risk of impacting my life than folks who could stop by and knock on my door sometime.

Are you an unfriendly person? What's wrong with folks coming by to visit? They're from the government, and they're here to help. Maybe they'll bring cookies.

Comment Re: Good (Score 1) 1143

OK, but how long does a cord of wood last vs. 250 gallons of oil? I remember as a child living in upstate NY, after we got our woodburning stove, we would go through 2-3 cords in a winter (at $45 a cord if you were willing to cut it up yourself).

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