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Comment Re:Apparently the trolls are out here, too (Score 4, Funny) 1262

I'm just still trying to keep up.

Is this week...
a) "women are as tough as men and can do anything men can do, and need no special favors because those deprecate her strength" or
b) "women are snowflakes that can't be expected to simply ignore hurtful comments to their delicate sensibilities"

I can never quite tell which one I'm supposed to ardently support today?

Comment Re:I like... (Score 1) 643

I want tazers connected to the cameras and citizens live monitoring.. if over 100 people monitoring think the officer is out of control they can taze him remotely.

Officer Johnson you need to cool down, you have 5 seconds to comply......

Comment Re:Feedback loops (Score 1) 273

...except that we just discovered a massive source of methane that we never suspected existed.

High level of CO2 is not true on the scales that I'm talking about - the last couple of million years.
Rate of change is relevant for biologicals, as it has to do with how fast they can evolve around the change, but irrelevant to the ultimate state of the climate. If I dump X amount of salt into water, does 'how fast it dissolves' matter at all to the final chemical composition? No.
State of Milankovich cycles: curious that you raise this. In terms of gross observation, we're in fact ON TARGET when it comes to the synchronicity of climate (temp, CO2 peaks) and M-cycles. Further, widely-recognized issues in Milankovich observations (divergent models, unplit-peak issues, etc) all suggest *error-bars* are still well in excess of the sorts of changes posited to be due to anthropogenic causes, meaning that all the sound and fury over AGW amounts to little more than arguing about static noise, in the big picture...

So to imply - as the IPCC has for years - that we have some sort of 'final, settled, authoritative' understanding of warming, the processes, and the methods is a little premature?

Comment Re:Don't Worry! (Score 1) 708

here is the kicker, anyone with an IQ over 100 and not lazy can make their own wind generators. In fact if you are not completely inept you can easily generate all the electricity you need with low cost parts that are available. All of the knowlege you need is right in front of you, you just have to take the time to search for it and read it.

Drilling for oil, then refining it yourself with todays available devices and parts is significantly harder than a solar,wind and battery installation.

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