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Comment Re:Can we use this? (Score 1) 157

I don't know why I'm continuing this, but if you're going to just reflexively gainsay, you might at least say why the experiments I linked to don't prove what scientists say they do. Bell's work was a long time ago, and while it's still not 1000% nailed down it's very solid. The experiments are all on that side - the only thing on the "alternative" side is vague "I don't think the universe would work that way" crap that has to be very convoluted to match up with experimental reality.

Comment Re:Why you work for Google (Score 1) 349

Yeah - this is certainly my impression from looking at Google. I've seen a lot of quality programmers who started out there and then left as they got older (and were greatly helped in cashing in by having cool sounding Google experience on their resume).

For me, I went to their offices for a bit (they gave us a tour during Google Code Jam), and while the general idea sounds fun I quickly soured on the prospect of actually working there. I don't care about free cereal or the game console in the break room or whatever. At this point in my career I want an office (rather than a cubicle space 3 feet down from the next guy and backing onto a high-traffic hallway), and I want to go home sometimes.

Comment dump standardized testing (Score 1) 99

This type of tech - maybe not just in one wave, but things of this nature - should replace standardized testing. To hell with filling in little dots, let the kids actually *create* things and then they are more likely to succeed. Tons of nasty leech organizations grab the kind of money needed for these sorts of initiatives. Swat them away and get creative - and yes 3D printers are manufactured in the US.

Comment Re:Why empathize that it's Java? (Score 1, Informative) 61

Go home, you're drunk. It's not important that it's written in Java. It just is.

"Hi everyone, we wrote this library in a language, but we won't tell you what language we wrote it in, because it's not important."

That's a weapons-grade stupid way to think about it. Man, I couldn't give a shit about Java. Don't use it, don't program in it. Exactly what point do you think you're making here?

Comment A matter for free software (Score 1) 24

One hopes that GPL compatible software can be installed. As Stallman pointed out in his Libreplanet keynote a couple weeks ago, the separate computers are not really designed correctly to defend the other parts from runaway music player components or whatever. Having a Michael Hastings style crash is only a few malfunctions away...

Comment These are all terrible (Score 1) 72

None of them are phrased or set the way a real story would be, and none of them have a clever or entertaining premise; a reference is not a joke. These are sad every year, but this crop seems especially pathetic.

I mean, The Onion is almost never funny, but looking at this crap makes you appreciate the tiny amount of work and thought they put in; there's usually at least an attempted joke there.

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