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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 6 declined, 1 accepted (7 total, 14.29% accepted)


Submission + - Server-side vs client-side RIA programming?

jole writes: "Currently Flex is the king of declarative RIA frameworks, GWT is the best client-side Ajax framework for Java-programmers and JSF is the most dominant declarative server-side framework. In addition to these classes of frameworks, we find that server-side Java-based (not XML-based) UI frameworks still have their place for two reasons: 1) security gained from not exposing UI logic to client, 2) easiness gained for direct access to all Java API:s, full unrestricted execution environment and lack of communication layer design.

What is your opinion — which approach (client- or server-side; Java, XML or JavaScript) is the best and why? What is your favorite RIA toolkit for Java programmers?"

Submission + - Terminals are back, now in Ajax

jole writes: "Back in the good old days of IBM, the terminals were green and the men spoke Cobol. "Run everything on server" -model is still viable, but now the terminals are made of Ajax. And yes, instead of Cobol, all the user interfaces should be written in Java. Just take a look what kind of tools there exist for the ones who are not comfortable in writing their business applications in JavaScript with Ajax toolkits."

Submission + - Writing Ajax applications in real Java

jole writes: "Creating cross-browser Ajax user interfaces is tough if your application is non-trivial. Googles solution (GWT) is to write in Java, convert to javascript and run on browser. IT Mill released today their competing Toolkit that allows you to write applications in (real) Java, run them on server and use them with almost any Ajax compatible browser."

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I tell them to turn to the study of mathematics, for it is only there that they might escape the lusts of the flesh. -- Thomas Mann, "The Magic Mountain"
