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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 5 declined, 0 accepted (5 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - How useful is ipv6 depends on the destination webs (atoomnet.net)

TeddyR writes: IPv6 enabled TOP 1000000 websites as of Jan 8 2012
From the site:
"Here is a list which contains all popular sites (according to Alexa) with an IPv6 address. Out of the 990068 tested websites only 14229 have one or more IPv6 addresses. That is 1.44%.
  Out of the 24500 IPv6 addresses 18766 are connectable. That is 76.6%."

Even more shocking is that many of the top ipv6 sites are not the "goto" sites for many users and are not US based sites, showing how far the US must go in order for ipv6 to be useful.

A question for slashdot maintainers: why isnt slashdot.org on the list by now?

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