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Comment Re:LOL ... awesome ... (Score 1) 124

Good Salespeople cannot be automated away. And contrary to popular opinion, the best ones won't lie to you, because you'll always associate the lie with the person lying.

Good Sales is all about the customer's needs, and making sure you address them. I have told plenty of "customers" that my product/service wasn't a good fit for them and recommended someone/something else. In the end, many of them came back when it was a good fit.

That being said, the best line I had for getting rid of an unrealistic customer... "Looks like you want a good buy" ... "yup" ... "Good Bye!"

Comment Re:Why not future proof the application? (Score 4, Interesting) 257

if you have any sense whatsoever, you'll have a suite of regression tests to run on your software already. You can use that to validate the new environment when you compile a baseline. I've been involved with several projects that migrated from one platform to another.

Such tests might convince YOU (the developer). But would they convince REGULATORS? If not, you have to go through a whole, horribly-expensive, regulatory approval every time you migrate tool versions.

Regulators don't get dinged for insisting on more costly work by the regulated and withholding their approval. They DO get dinged if they approve something that then does harm.

That's why the FDA caused something like 400,000 extra deaths by delaying the approval of beta blockers for prevention of secondary heart attacks until the European research had been repeated in the US under US rules, rather than accepting the data and allowing the use. After the Thalidomide mess they're not going to approve ANYTHING quickly or easily. The same principle applies to other fields.

Comment Re:Mixture (Score 2) 312

Worry about problems that actually exist

Actually, worry about risk, not problems. There are tons of problems in the world, many of which are low risk if you know how to avoid them. However, in this case, there is little one can do to prevent the risk on a personal level, while at the same time, a high probability that such a problem actually come to fruition. AND by the time it does come into being, is already too late for Freedom.

Please, do not take the idea of liberty slipping away slowly, as it is already happening. Liberty is something we must ALWAYS guard diligently.

Comment Re:Bah! Media! (Score 1) 173

[Spys] won't blackmail you to the intelligence companies, they will blackmail you by threatening to tell your wife, or creditors, etc.

Your reading comprehension leaves a bit to be desired. That's exactly what I was talking about.

1) To get the clearance you need to tell the US government everything the foreign spooks could use to blackmail you - by threatening to tell wife, creditors, media, etc. Then you need to convince the US spooks you don't care - even if you do.
2) If you left anything out, the US is likely to revoke your clearance. So your confession form has all the juicy stuff about you.
3) Now ALL the confession forms were stolen by the foreign spies. Oops!
4) Next step: The foreign spies get to test ANY of the people with clearances they want to test, to see if they REALLY don't care whether these things are revealed to their wife, creditors, ...

Comment Re:Bah! Media! (Score 2) 173

The clearance process includes finding out if you're blackmailable into turning over secrets. So of course they question you about everything enemy spies may use as blackmail material. They're often willing to approve you if you confess all your sins to them - because the spies can no longer use the threat of revealing them to the intelligence agencies to pressure you.

It behoves you to confess ALL of it, because if you leave anything out they'll pull your clearance when they discover it. On the other hand, if YOU don't care if its revealed, THEY don't care either. So to get the clearance you tell them everything and claim you don't care.

Of course that means the intelligence agency files includes pretty much all the juicy blackmail material there IS on you. So if there's something you really DO care about, and you were bluffing the agencies, you ARE subject to blackmail threats.

Of course you also expose your life history, to prove you're not a mole. And THAT is everything an identity thief needs to completely replace you. SS number and mother's maiden name are a drop in the bathtub compared to this info.

The agencies should have guarded this MORE TIGHTLY than they do nuclear secrets. It's the key to ALL the people who know ALL the secrets.

Comment Re:Male-ness is a Secondary Characteristic (Score 1) 166

That's fine as long as the "Men and women tend to be different" for non-discriminatory differences.

Define ... non-discriminatory differences?

How does one tell a gender preference towards solitary work (Computer Programming) or towards social type work (nursing, teachers, social work) verses discrimination based on gender by statistics alone?

The problem is, that we are ascribing as discriminatory, things that just might be normal and natural, but statistically looks like gender bias. This is my complaint about under-representation claims, based on statistics alone. Yes, they are underrepresented, but maybe it is because of gender selection (preference) trends.

Comment Re:Unpossible (Score 2) 107

No, they won't. Most people don't have a clue what Fiat Currency actually means. They have no idea how the FED and world banking systems work. They barely know how anything works.

This is the problem within the IT and Engineering crowds, we simply assume people are like us, when they are clearly not anything like us. We learn about things, all the time. The other people, the "average" guy, doesn't care to learn about the same things.

Comment Re:Male-ness is a Secondary Characteristic (Score 2) 166

I just attended a nursing graduation at a local University. Probably 10-1 Female to Male Graduates. (rough estimate). Tell me again how men are represented adequately in Nursing? The link below says it is 85% (close to my guestimate)

1) Health Professions (85% women): nursing assistant, veterinary assistant, dental assistant, etc.

Females have better representation in Engineering and Computer Science (18-19%) than males do in Nursing.

And I can come up with a whole slew of possible reason why women shy away from certain kinds of jobs, and are more attracted to others. Here is a good example, women tend to be more social than men. They need the company of other people. So then are attracted to jobs that have more social interactions than jobs that don't have much social interactions. This has nothing to do with ability. When women find out that there is not much social interactions in programming ... well they are not all that excited about it.

Comment Re:Male-ness is a Secondary Characteristic (Score 0) 166

Well, if the liberal Politicians in DC were so hung up on Women's equality in pay, then they would pay their women staffers the same as the male staffers, but ... they don't.

And if women do really work for less, then any bright American Entrepreneur type would hire only women, because it would cost them less, giving them a substantial advantage in the marketplace.

However, those things are NOT true. A man typically works every day possible (gaining experience), and women take time off to have kids and whatnot. The fact is, men's priorities are always the same as women's priorities. Again, Gender Attractions and men and women tend to be different.

It isn't always HeMan's Women Haters Club conspiracy. And again, it doesn't speak to workplaces that are woman dominated, like cosmetology and nursing. Where nobody complains about over representation.

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Software production is assumed to be a line function, but it is run like a staff function. -- Paul Licker
