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Comment Re:Irony (Score 5, Insightful) 308

This would be taken seriously if Cantor hadn't just lost after outspending the other guy 5,000,000 to 200,000.

. The Eric Cantor case was an exception, not the rule. In most cases, the politician who greatly outspends his opponent usually wins

But the bigger issue that Lessig doesn't seem to understand is that he's not the only person trying to buy politicians. No matter how much money he raises, there are people out there spending a whole lot more money, a LOT more money, to buy politicians who oppose the political agenda supported by Lessig, the EFF and others.

Comment Re:Did anyone care anymore? (Score 1) 105

I think I bought my last computer magazine in about 2000. The web killed the market for such things long ago.

Although the Internet has certainly put a big dent in all magazine sales, I've been noticing that most magazine publishers are their own worst enemy -- less content, lower quality content, more ads and higher prices.

Comment Re:Chicago Blackhawks too? (Score 2) 646

Chief Wahoo is pretty insulting.

That's your opinion.

In my opinion there is nothing wrong with Chief Wahoo and the name Redskins. So what make you right and me wrong? And that's the problem here. There is no such thing as a wrong opinion. With all the problems we have in this society, it is absurd that THIS is what people are upset about.

Comment Re:but that's the problem with the turing test... (Score 1) 309

It has nothing to do with actual artificial intelligence and everything to do with writing deceptive scripts. It's not just this incident, it's a problem with the goal of the Turing test itself. I always found the Turing test a kind of stupid exercise due to this.

Exactly right.

Was Turing Test Legitimately Beaten, Or Just Cleverly Tricked? I see no difference between the two. Beaten is beaten, no matter how it is accomplished.

If the Turing Test can be "cleverly tricked" then it simply demonstrates that the Turing Test is flawed and meaningless.

Comment Re:If only Bill Waterson inspired other cartoonist (Score 1) 119

To stop cartooning. Beatle Baily, Hagar the Horrible, Garfield and yes... I'll even go far as Dilbert (I'm sure blasphemy to geeks around here) are worn out strips that are recycling the same dumb gags and phone-it-in art over and over. I actually respect Waterson for quitting in his prime.

Sadly I have to agree. All the strips that have been around for a while are on auto-pilot, coasting along on their fame. The creators are putting zero effort into them.

Comment Re:I wonder where Watterson would go today (Score 4, Interesting) 119

With online distribution, he could draw whatever he wanted without as many limits, and while limitations do breed creativity, they can also put you in a box.

But I suspect he's too bitter to try.

Or is he?

Calvin and Hobbes is still syndicated all over the world and according to sales figure I saw a couple of years ago, he is conservatively pulling in a couple hundred thousand dollars a year from the sales of Calvin and Hobbes books (there are 18 of them).

Not bad for a guy who hasn't worked since 1995.

Comment Re:Actually RTFA (Score 1) 40

This is a conjecture talk, I can see why they rejected it. Bill, if you happen to read this comment, I think your talk was refused because it uses a lot of "could" and "might" to build a global picture of corruption, landed back in the banking system and corrupt government, failed to point out any non-obvious outcomes or opportunities, and didn't suggest any ways an attendee could constructively effect or participate in the problem. .

He starts off good and makes quite a few good points, nothing terribly new or exciting but valid points still. But then about 3/4 of the way through he goes off the rails and starts ranting about corrupt banks and ends up sounding like just another crackpot.

Comment Re:The US needs a loser-pays legal system (Score 2) 136

Why not make the losing plaintiffs the lesser of the 2 legal bills? Big corp sues small guy. Small guy wins. Big corp pays his costs.

Small guy sues big corp. Small guy loses. Small guy pays the equivalent of his legal bills to the big corp.

That way, overspending isn't covered.

So, BigMegaCorp fucks you over and you sue them. They can afford to throw more lawyers at you and you lose. This happens. A lot.

It isn't bad enough that BigMegaCorp fucked you, now you get to pay extra for getting fucked.

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