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Comment Re:"Singularity" is a horrible term. (Score 1) 71

The singularity is the point at which we can no longer "see" (predict) future growth or trends, ie: the point at which we lose the ability to make predictions about the future because the A.I.'s have grown and are growing in intelligence faster than we can comprehend. In that way it is similar to a black hole singularity, in that we cannot "see" past the event horizon.

Comment Re:What an idiot (Score 4, Funny) 180

Feds: "Grab him!"
Ross: "Beetlejuice!"
Librarian: "Shhhhhh!"
Feds "Cover his mouth quick!"
Ross: Beetlejuice!"
Feds drag Ross away with his mouth covered...

Fed1: "What was that about?"
Fed2: "It was some sort of codeword"
Fed1: "What do you mean?"
Fed2: "When he yelled Beetlejuice it activated a..."
Both: "Oh shit..."

Comment Re:What's their definition of "exercise"? (Score 1) 348

citation needed.

Muscle does not turn into fat. Stop exercising and start eating like crap and your body will lose muscle and will also starting putting on fat. The muscle does not turn into fat. Starting lean and muscular will not cause you to get fat faster.

I would bet you are not currently overendowed with muscle. Nobody who works out would believe this urban myth.

Comment Re:Procedural vs OO (Score 1) 303

My toaster is functional. I insert a slice of bread and the toaster creates a duplicate slice of bread that is toasted. It returns the duplicate, but never touches the original. It is very safe. I can insert anything in the toaster without worrying about toasting an inappropriate object. But boy is it inefficient...

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