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Comment Re:Virtualize (Score 1) 142

I agree with building a computer with 8GB or more of memory.

I use VirtualBox for my home test system and set the disk image to be written to a 16GB Ram Drive -- this makes it very fast to format and load a new guest OS from ISO or DVD -- I usually set and name the disk images in VirtualBox to be 4GB or 10GB in size. I back up the disk images off-site and on a small raid5 server, and have one local copy in a folder called "ComputerStore" -- set up a shared folder (and network share to something like C:\vshare\readonly, C:\vshare\readwrite for work you need to save)

Windows Ram Drives -- google:
superspeed ram drive
drdataram ram drive
softperfect ram drive

Comment Re:Economy Class (Score 1) 365

My colon always has "one-in-the-chamber" and with a minor colitus-like ailment, the crew of RyanAir would hopefully make the donation of coins to open the door for me!

Comment Re:Dark Tan? (Score 1) 964

I believe that the local newspaper, Atlanta-Journal-Constitution, did some photoshopping of their own -- a few Sundays ago, I noticed that the Foxtrot cartoon showed Jason with a caucasian friend which seemed out of place based on their character-set; I checked online and verified the difference.

Comment Re:Does the US Get It Yet? (Score 1) 292

>> We seem to think that in WWII we singlehandedly A) ... B) ... C) ... etc

I've never met a person in the US that made those claims that we "singlehandedly" did any of those things. Even if you have met such a clown, it wouldn't represent the other 300k people here in a way that justifies the word "we".

You may need to go on a diet, because you're pulling too much out of your plump ass.

Comment Re:Under 60: Health and Suicide (Score 2, Interesting) 575

I have a light version of Crohn's and know where every bathroom in the city is. Lot's of coffee in the morning helps make afternoons a little more predictable. I did have 105degree fevers until my doctors discovered it, sent me to the hospital for a week and stopped feeding me sulpha based medicine.

In my case, they want to avoid surgery.

Is surgery an option in your case, just before the euthanasia option is completed? I know surgery can be risky, but in that situation, it may be worth trying first (even if its a little experimental)?

Comment fixed: (Score 1) 109

Comment Re:Slashdotted (Score 1) 109

Comment loading RSS to marquee signs (Score 1) 128

I developed a Windows program which works with Betabrite signs. The USB connected LED-signs and software are available at: http://www.kitchi-rss.com/

I use it to show news, weather, and friend-updates.

It has some side features such as generating marquee HTML, wml, etc., so you don't immediately need an LED-sign to use the software.

There's also some free software available for that brand of LED-sign at: http://www.remote-control.net/

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