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Comment Re: Good! 100,000 more Democrat voters! (Score 1) 331

The income tax percentage is graduated based on the income level and thus varies. In addition most deductions and refunds are fixed amounts and not any kind of percentage of income. This is a basic understanding that everybody has, so your attempt at humor fails completely because you are not extrapolating or exaggerating from any assumed situation or proposal.

You also screwed up with your $15/hour statement. After much analysis I figured out that you were talking about "people who *want* the minimum wage to be $15/hour", but your wording sounded like "the correct amount is 100% for people making $15/hour". That seems absurdly high so I thought you were making some kind of joke, but boy was I stumped as to what it was. I think you also seem ignorant of the fact that the minimum wage *is* $15/hour in some places.

In any case your attempt at humor was pretty dismally bad. You should maybe not try.

Comment Re:Oh look, it's the Java killer... (Score -1, Flamebait) 253

No I didn't.

I am serious. There is a set of people who are so upset by the appirations of "M$" that they knee-jerk respond, and ALWAYS use the word "childish". Every single time. Yet actual childish actions, like calling somebody a 'fucking retard' or silly insults of Microsoft like calling it "microshit" are ignored. It seems they are desperate to try to stop something that bothers them and realizing it is hopeless.

If it actually was "childish" then IGNORING it would be the correct response.

Comment Re: Good! 100,000 more Democrat voters! (Score 1) 331

Reading comprehension much? The negative income tax he was proposing was a fixed amount (500/month for 22+ years old, for instance). The opposite end (money paid to the goverment) would be a percentage of your income.

Whether a negative income tax is a good idea or not, you should not post such stupid responses indicating that you completely did not understand it.

Comment Re:Oh look, it's the Java killer... (Score -1, Flamebait) 253

Ohhh! The "childish" retort! I have not seen that in a while.

It's really interesting that somebody can say "Microshit" and nobody jumps up and down and rants and cries "childish! Childish! Childish!".

But when they say "M$" you shit your diapers and start yelling. CHILDISH! CHILDISH! CHILDISH! I insist it is Childish!!!!! Childish!

Give it up. It is obvious you is childish.

Comment Re:Oh look, it's the Java killer... (Score 0) 253

If it was GPL you would have to include the source code for your changes, thus if everybody else felt they had to be compatible they could use this to duplicate the changes in their version.

This is the basic reason behind the GPL. You can argue whether it is a good idea or not, but you should at least not completely miss the point.

Comment Re:who still falls for this picture.jpg.exe nonsen (Score 2) 71

So what they see is "picture.jpg" If they don't notice the picture icon next to it that would be the same as a .exe, then they fall for it.

Actually it will show the embedded icon from the .exe which can easily be set to look like a picture file.

But what has always confused me is the filename actually shows as "picture.jpg", while an actual picture.jpg would show as just "picture", right? Therefore it should still be possible to distinguish them because a real one does not have ".jpg". Though I can imagine people not noticing, I'm wondering if there is (or was) a much worse bug, such as the display truncating at the first period while file-type lookup used the last period?

Anybody know? I don't have windows here to test.

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