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Comment Re:Number of people affected less than 20 (Score 1, Flamebait) 163

What's the point? Either there are lots of problems all over and therefore we need to think about regulation, or not. This story is about one incident. It does not indicate lots of problems. It does not counter-indicate lots of problems either. If there is data to indicate widespread problems, post the data.

Stop pretending to have knowledge. Either post it or admit you don't know.

Comment Re:Money money money (Score 1) 163

On a somewhat-related note (well, "oil + pipelines" so close enough): Imagine what sort of damage will be done by a leak of the proposed oil sands pipeline if that corrosive gunk finds its way into the aquifer used by the majority of the Midwest and the huge amount of farming that occurs there

So you'd rather people continue to die every year in oil train crashes? You don't have to "imagine" the train crash that killed 47 people in Quebec last summer.

Comment Number of people affected less than 20 (Score 0) 163

Why do we need national regulations to deal with a small local problem that affects only a few people?

Is it because you have a personal hatred for one of the parties involved? Is it because you will personally gain from the regulation? Or is it because you think everything in the world needs a regulatory hand guiding it -- a government hand, with armed enforcers to punish anyone who gets out of line? Which is it?

Comment Re:Makers and takers (Score 1) 676

For 401k plans, you pay the money into the plan every paycheck. When the person retires, no more money is paid into the account. The retiree draws upon the money saved during his working years. All the costs are up-front, borne by the people who received the benefit from the work done.

With pensions, all the promises are up front. Then people who come along later are stuck with the bill -- paying for more and more in pensions and getting less and less in government services.

Comment Re:Makers and takers (Score 1) 676

Veteran's pensions don't fight wars. Police pensions don't patrol the streets. Fire fighter pensions don't put out fires. Teacher pensions don't teach kids.

Pensions should be replaced with a 401K-style savings plan. The people who soldiers fought for should be paying the cost, not their grandchildren. If you got fire protection from a fire fighter, you should pay, not the guy who moves into your town 10 years after the fire fighter retires.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 342

The same thing that's wrong with all one-size-fits-all requirements: One size does not fit all, and the people your requirements don't fit are being oppressed.

Most such requirements, including this one, are also unnecessary. Buy your car where you can get service if you want. Don't if you don't. So your requirement oppresses people, and it does it unnecessarily. If you want a working definition of government evil, that's a good start.

Comment Re:Welcome to a third-rate USA (Score 0) 111

A 5% budget cut is "the destruction of the greatest source of innovation the U.S. -- and the world -- has ever seen"?

Just for some perspective on Federal government spending, "General Science, Space, and Technology" spending is up 12% (after inflation adjustment) from 2002-2012 and "Health" spending is up 41% during the same period. "Energy" spending is up 2400%.

http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/... -- see table 3.2

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