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Comment Re:Logs via network (Score 1) 347

Thanks for the links. Last time I looked into this, the remote features were still a feature request.

Maybe I'm not understanding you, but I thought journal was meant to be superior to syslog and eventually supplant it.

Well, yes and no. journald was meant as a total overhaul of _local_ Linux logging. It provides "metal-to-metal" logging by being able to operate in initramsfs before rootfs is mounted, and pivot back to initramfs (Dracut) after rootfs has been unmounted. It collates all logs into a single view, instead of the myriad of scattered legacy log files (including binary logs like utmp etc).
It also vastly improve the way programmers can use logging, since syslog(3) etc. have so many limitations regarding speed, messages per seconds etc.
It also provide structured logs with plenty of metadata like monotonic timestamps that are troublesome in syslog text logs.

Rsyslog and similar syslog implementation works both as a _local_ logging system _and_ as a remote log sink.

journald doesn't work as a general log sink for remote logging, nor does it provide DB interfaces and various other similar plug-ins. So for general log-sinks, Rsyslog was always meant to be choice.

journald was also designed to be 100% compatible with syslog since it was obvious that legacy requirements would make that a necessity. So again, for legacy setups, syslog was always the designed choice to run on top of journald.

Comment Re:I like how this got marked troll (Score 4, Informative) 347

The issue is not with systemd corrupting the binary logs, or with the filesystem corrupting the binary logs, but with the fact that they are -binary- logs. A log file should be an ordinary text file. Nothing more, nothing less.

The glaring problems with flat file, unstructured text logs have been discussed for decades now. Plain text log files, like the original syslog(3) interface was simply bad ideas that Linux inherited. The main commercial selling point with any syslog implementation today is exactly that you can avoid several of these problems by using a DB.

An overhaul of the creaking legacy Linux logging system have been needed for a decade at least. Remember, the Rsyslog project was started exactly to fix such problems. They failed partly because distros and developers don't care about working together for a common goal and because there was no other central developer hub who would take the initiative.

systemd have finally fixed so many of the classic syslog problems. I don't care if you think syslog is perfect and never can be improved, and Rsyslog should be avoided for providing binary DB storing option, but please don't think that other people agree to this postulate.

And systemd's journald is designed to be 100% backwards compatible with syslog, so if your setup have legacy need, it is trivial to get a systemd distro to use legacy syslog text logs.

Comment Re:The pain isn't in the switch (Score 1) 347

Bug report: Logs keep getting corrupted and cannot read them at all

Rejected with reason: Delete the corrupted logs and move on

I doubt that you can provide a link for that. Perhaps you are hinting to the RFE about "pruning" journal logs containing "corrupted" field values?

SystemD - works well when it works, fails spectacularly when it fails.

That is part of the Unix philosophy: (Rule of Repair :, or "if you have to fail, fail early and fail noisily". systemd is build around that; so if disks specified in fstab doesn't show up, it won't boot but give a rescue shell instead. This prevents silent data loss; a classic example of "Rule of Repair".

Been using systemd on Fedora for several years now; it has been rock solid. systemd is just so much better than any alternative out there, and for every release it just keeps on getting better. I love its logging system and the easy and natural way it handles OS containers and system service management.

Comment Re:The pain isn't in the switch (Score 1) 347

Stateless boot is nothing new in Linux. What the systemd developers want is to make Linux generic enough to make stateless boot work for those who needs it, instead of each and every developer group making their own proprietary tools. Stateless boot are mostly for embedded but also allow for some interesting network booted options.

There is a lot of work to be done before it is possible, but with systemd people are at least working on it.

Regarding the FHS and where to put things like using /run.
systemd is only doing the sensible thing here. The FHS 2.0 is ancient, so the systemd way of doing things is likely to become FHS 3.0, and then it will be a Linux standard.

Comment Re:Logs via network (Score 1) 347

SysD's binary logs have another, serious flaw: they are not designed to be sent over a network. This has been an intrinsic part of syslog for a looong time.

Of course you can push journald logs over the network in several different ways, and you can also receive them using the journald. But the systemd journald isn't substitute for syslog, but meant to complement it. Just use rsyslog when it is relevant, or just systemd's journald when that suffices.

Here is the document info for "journal export format"

Here is how to receive or pull systemd journals across the network: It can either pull log requests or passively wait for a connection:

Here is how to serve journald log entries across the network:

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 232

PA can provide both things, by suspending out if your need shift from consumer audio (PA) to Pro audio using jackd. No need to dedicate your box to either; they can both work for whenever people need different solutions.

Are you really saying that a feature of pulseaudio is the ability to disable pulseaudio and use something else?

Yes I do. It is great that you can use exactly the program you need, even if their usage normally are orthogonal. Please note that PA doesn't disable itself, it just automatically suspend until needed again. PA and jackd where made for different reasons and solves different problems.

I see a lot of posts complaining about anti-systemd zealotry here, but clearly there is a lot of zealotry all around. I can't recall any other topic in Linux history that has been this divisive, and that is part of the problem.

Well, some people thought they could stop the systemd progress by waging a negative campaign against it and its developers. That of course was a predictable failure.

Personally I don't care whatever init system people run. Even if I find e.g. SysVinit inferior to systemd I have no problem with people using it, and they owe me no explanation for doing so.

Systemd-opponents don't agree upon what they do like, they can only agree on what they don't like. This make their tactics so rabid and aggressive when attacking systemd, its developers, the distros that uses it and even its users. They simply don't have a positive alternative they can agree upon, so they are left with negative attacks.

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score 1) 232

Yes, and most of that existing industry will have to rewrite everything from scratch without file format compatibility.

journald has excellent export capacity, it is trivial to convert everything into JSON or similar industry standards without tedious data massaging. Unlike the many slightly varying syslog implementation with deviating output, journald output is always predictable since has a stable API and is structured around fields. This is a massive win for everybody, especially those who needs to put their logs into full DB's (for legal or whatever reasons).

"Another problem with text log files are their limited ability to incorporate much meta-data, since that makes the log lines unreadably long. So having full microsecond precision and monotonic timestamps is a problem."

Really? Here's the microsecond monotonic timestamp on my current box: 242841.31760194. That's 15 bytes. A 64-bit binary timestamp is 16 bytes. The text version is shorter! And given that the vast majority of usages do not require microsecond resolution (which isn't even really accurate, anyhow), the text approach would lead to substantially _smaller_ files.

Adding full microsecond precision and monotonic timestamps and wall time timestamps + all the other interesting meta-data and the log message itself, are making the text log entries extremely long and unfriendly to read for humans. With journald you only see such meta-data info if you ask for it. Much better solution. And if you are concerned about log sizes, journald has transparent compression. With text logs you need to unpack or use specialised tools to manipulate them if compressed.

Plain text logs sucks for so many reasons, their only redeeming feature seems to be you don't need to pipe them through a tool in order to read them.
I have much respect for the Rsyslog developers, and I remember how I hoped they would fix the most of the glaring syslog problems when they started out a decade ago and in their own way tried to solve the problems that journald does. They partially failed, not because they weren't good, but because changing certain stuff in Linux userland is extremely hard.

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score 1) 232

sysvinit is crude and simple because it pushes all complexity out of init into userspace and because it offers no worthwhile init functionality. That is why Linux endured decades of remote exploits since SysVinit wouldn't take responsibility for dropping daemon privileges or do socket activation like systemd does, so daemons didn't have to use complex and error prone privilege dropping code just to get a port below 1024.

With systemd and new style daemons you can just avoid all that crap in the daemons. Much better to have one central place for security code made by experts than each and every daemon needs to compensate for the abysmal lack of functionality and security features of SysVinit.

I don't care if some people think that SysVinit is the best init system ever made and that it has no errors and can't be improved and Linux should use it forever and ever. We happen to be a lot of people who don't see it that way, which is why we like systemd and chooses distros that support that.

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score 0) 232

Or, you know, pretty much noone really cares about having indexed and structured log files. Separating into log files based on hostname and application name has worked really well for me for ages. And, because you're still going to have a human write the log messages, you're still going to have to eyeball the output at some point.

Great that syslog works for your usercase. I doesn't for me and so many others. There is an entire industry build around the need to beat syslog files into some sort of structure and give them an index so you can do number crunching on them.

These days log files grows so fast and is so important for business decisions that only machine parsing can do the job properly. The journal is excellent in that regard too.

Another problem with text log files are their limited ability to incorporate much meta-data, since that makes the log lines unreadably long. So having full microsecond precision and monotonic timestamps is a problem.

Yes, at some point a Mark I eyeball is going to look at a tiny subset of the data, but these isn't a problem either with systemd's journal; all the usual standard Linux text tools work through piping. And there are language bindings up the yazoo so you can manipulate it the journal files directly with Python scripts etc. It is so easy to extract the data that you need.

Personally I find syslog text files pretty hostile to newbies; unless they grep well and know a variation or two of regex, they are bound to just plow through the logs trying to identify some error. Really, many of them even resort to editors for reading log files. And the DE developers can't make a distro agnostic GUI log viewer better than "less" because there is no stable text log API. With systemd's journal they can because it has a stable API and language bindings etc.

With journalctl it is so easy to make even powerful extractions like; just show me logfiles generated the last 5 minutes (journalctl --since -5m) or all errors with syslog level "warning" and above created since this boot (journalctl -b -p warning). There is tab completion of every command option and every journal field and ususally even of the values of those fields. No need to memorise obscure arguments and subsystem names.

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score 1) 232

Rather typical LKML discussion in my opinion, but blown out in all proportions by the systemd-haters because they wrongly think that Linus don't like systemd nor its programmers because of this.

No it wasn't. Linus made his views on when this stuff will get merged, if ever, abundantly clear. It's not blown out of all proportion. That's what was written.

You don't seem to have experienced many LKML flame fests before, so I think you will be sadly disappointed when Linus merges kdbus.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 232

Linus Torvalds have long signalled that he wants kdbus in the kernel.

No he hasn't you liar. I'm afraid this propaganda ain't going to have any effect whatsoever on his views.

Have you even read the lkml? Linus is deep into discussion of the code and even defended kdbus design decisions. He would never do that if he didn't intend to merge it as some point when enough people thought it was good enough.

Also notice how Linus appeared in the first kdbus patch threads. He didn't comment on the code, so the only reason he mailed was to signal to everybody that he followed this, and this was just business as usual.

Sure, the kdbus maintainers will have to do a good enough job in fixing problems before it is merged, but as it looks now, this doesn't seem to be a problem.

kdbus is good stuff that can benefit everybody, and while it isn't a shining-new general purpose IPC that some kernel developers want, it does solve real world problems, and that is exactly what Linus think his kernel is all about.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 232

You know what's different about consumer and pro audio? Nothing. As it turns out, consumers also want high-fidelity audio, and they want to be able to mix multiple streams. The only difference lies in what the industry is willing to sell us.

This not about spending money or HiFi, but on what you use the audio system for. On consumer audio you want low cpu and battery drain and accept the tiny latency associated with this; that a music stream start 20ms second later doesn't matter. It is also important that features such as streaming, bluetooth head sets integration etc. works out of the box etc.

With Pro audio latency is king. cpu and battery drain means nothing.

PA can provide both things, by suspending out if your need shift from consumer audio (PA) to Pro audio using jackd. No need to dedicate your box to either; they can both work for whenever people need different solutions.

Actually, pulseaudio has notably drained batteries in the past, because shitcode.

A bug from 2007 on Ubuntu that famously fouled up their PA implementation, hardly a serious complaint. This 2012 shows how PA even beat Androids audio stack (Audioflinger) regarding CPU and poweruse.

There are several such benchmarks that shows how good PA is in this regard.

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score -1, Troll) 232

Unlike you I have several years of experience with systemd. You just seem to parrot the party line propaganda from the tin-foil hat systemd-haters.

Don't run with the pack. Try to actual examine systemd by reading the documentation and get some experience yourselves. It takes some time to really understand how systemd works.

Comment Re:KDBus - another systemd brick on the wall (Score 0, Troll) 232

Did you actually read my post which was about a very specific point about binary versus text versus INDEXED text log files

systemd's journal is a basically a textfile that uses another line delimiter and have an index. Try "strings" on it, or a hex editor.

Well if so, that's new. It never used to be the case that the binary format was stable. So, I'm going to ask you to provide a link to the description of the binary structure.

Here is is the systemd interface and portability chart. Notice sd_journal and the journal file format:

Here is the file format;

There are loads of other developer information about accessing the journal with Python language bindings etc.

Jesus fucking H. Christ on a stick what is wrong with you? I specifically went into detail about how noisy the pro-systemd people like you insist on a dichotomy between unstructured text files and binary file formats. There is no fucking dichotomy you moron. If you actually read my sodding post instead of going off on a rant then you would actually become marginally more informed and stop spouting the same old shit repeatedly.

Well, you are not the first person to think about how to extend text logs with some kind of index, and it would be nice if it could have microprecision timestamps, and monotonic timestamps like the journal does. The problem is that is unworkable.

As I said, several projects have tried to fix this without any luck for the last couple of decades.
Another problem with such a solution is that standard Linux text tools like grep, tee, sort etc. won't work with such a solution where the index isn't part of the text file, and metadata like microsecond time stamps tend to make the log lines unreadable long.

With systemd's journal all standard text tools work with the index and metadata, so you can grep monotonic timestamps by a simple pipe.

If it was possible to have indexed, and structured plain text log files that didn't require a special "translator" in order for the standard Linux text tools to work, it would have been implemented a decade ago.

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