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Comment Re: I just want the new Nexus. (Score 1) 222

Apple nfc and the android nfc = the same as is required by the standard. ( Hence why I didn't call one better.)
I never had a problem with android nfc except in the ghetto where the card machines were by some unknown company or looked like they fell off a truck

The original definition of innovation is.
Main Entry: inÂnoÂvaÂtion
Pronunciation: \ËOEi-nÉ(TM)-ËvÄ-shÉ(TM)n\
Function: noun
Date: 15th century
1 : the introduction of something new
We are both right, as Apple fans put Apple as one of the biggest "tech" companies in the world what innovation did they bring us?
Notta it was a phone just to keep up...
As much as you can hate Samsung/LG androids they are pushing the limits of the form factor and their screen tech will change the world not just their users and devices. At least in their latest releases they pushed screens / water resistance / introduced heart rate in a phone, etc.. Apple should be doing the same for everyone not just them...

Comment Re:Can't wait to hate... (Score 1) 208

Apple = 90% marketing / 10% features lol
NFC is the most amazing new tech.... wait a min it's been around for like 10 years..
OK it has a bigger screen, oh wait that's already been around for a couple years.
OK we have a payment system now, well with itunes prices we know it's going to be a rip-off lol
Our display is even better but please be aware websites might not look right because we can't stick to standards.
The battery you can't replace now even lasts longer! (How many people are buying one because they don't want to pay to have a new batt put in? lol)

I'll probably get hate over this but eh I think it was a huge disappointment.

Hopefully they have something to combat the new samsung / lg screens that are coming soon.

Comment Re:What about the camera? (Score 1) 208

The top android cameras blows the iphone's out of the water, from what I read they didn't really change the camera much or add more MP so it will probably be the same with this one. Apple doesn't really develop much anymore they basically have to strike a deal or find someone to buy the tech from, that's why they switched to intel hardware with the computers.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 2, Insightful) 213

My problem isn't the resources, it's how they will cut corners to be first and somehow kill us all in the processes.
They just planned to kill their local fishery and destroy a whole ecosystem just so they can build an artificial island in contested waters for an airport.
They are idiots IMO they will probably find the biggest asteroid and somehow change it's direction towards earth while trying to grab the resources.

Comment Re: I just want the new Nexus. (Score 1) 222

They already passed laws that go into effect into 2015 after the target bust.
We will have chip readers soon and better security, is it enough... no... is it a start... yes!
They passed the law for 2015 with the banks too where the ATM companies are liable for the security of what they sell and install.

Comment Re: I just want the new Nexus. (Score 2) 222

I agree I watched apples event that required their browser and flash which meant the mobile apple users couldn't watch it lol.

All old features and trends I didn't see one innovation... why is everyone so crazy about it Idk. Apple is too scared to do anything "new" anymore lol.

Big screens been around, nfc has been around, gear has been around and payment processors. They even call their gray "space gray" to jump on the Sci Fi band wagon. Like anyone would use apple in space haha.

Yes I'm bias I just dislike how apple keeps bsing everyone. To be innovative you must actually come out with something new.

Comment Re: Who would have thought (Score 1) 194

Planes flying themselves is easier and already done. They are even building a new system to revamp it for commercial. The only reason it's not mainstream is because the cost and airlines are cheap, if it wasn't for the regulations they wouldn't even maintain their own planes. A lot of plane's still use tube tv's lol

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