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Comment DRM!!!1 (Score 1) 74

Of course there will be protests. So many people are using software at home to manipulate their genes as 2-bit values. This is basically DRM, or at least until people go back and fix all their code, which might even be technically illegal for them to do. Fuck that! We need to take to the streets, now!

Comment Re:OAPI is a Scam (Score 0) 202

0) All calls should be treated as suspicious and First Responders should not rush into situations guns drawn.

Problem solved. Because initiating a swatting, as despicable as it is, isn't nearly as bad of a problem as society keeping around a powerful weapon that can be used against anyone without the slightest amount of human judgement entering into the picture.

Swatting should never work; it should have a 100% failure rate. Any time it does work (either injury/death or property destruction), it should be followed by multiple cops being fired, civilly sued, and criminally prosecuted. Any time swatting works, cops have made an extreme error, showing themselves to be completely untrustworthy, and incapable of acting as cops. That is independent of the scumbag who made the false report. (They suck too, but the bug they're exploiting sucks even more.)

Comment Re:Monitoring prevented this planned attack (Score 1) 139

I'm glad someone reported the Facebook item to the FBI.

What's really odd and exceptional about that situation, is that they did it without the government sticking a gun in their face and saying "I dare you to not report that. Make my day, you piece of shit citizen." It's almost as though they wanted to report what they had noticed.

Oh wait, that's not odd or exceptional at all. I almost think it's human nature that, when you stick a gun in someone's face, it just makes people treat you as less of an ally with whom you would want to share information.

Then there's the robotically-thoughtless ass-covering. Someone greets their friend Jack at the airport, "Hi, Jack!" Someone sees a circuit board somewhere in public and doesn't know what it's for. Someone notices a pressure cooker in the back seat of a parked car. Someone posts a vague tweet that could be about anything. Guess what stupid thing some stupid person has to do. "I have to ruin everyone's day." And we're going to have a new law to make more of this nonsense.

I wonder if these Senators have thought about why they write laws and what outcomes they are hoping to achieve. I hope all their re-election campaigns get shot down. Oh shit, I said "shot" in a Senators context. You'd have to report me, because the law will be that you have act stupid even if you're secretly not stupid.

Keep the secret! Let's all work on repeating our 21st century mantra: Duuuh. Duuuh. Duuuh. Duuuh. Never let anyone in public know that you can say anything else. Save your other words for the cell meetings.

Comment Re:Ehhhh... (Score 2) 133

That's all true and not even disputed in the paper (which is linked in the article). The paper doesn't argue that all universal search results are bad for consumers, and some definitely are better. What's at issue is "local" search, like looking for a doctor in your city. In this case, there isn't one correct "answer," there are a bunch of them. And what you probably want are doctors with lots of good reviews. Instead, you get doctors with fewer reviews who happen to also have google+ pages.

Comment Re:Why is Uber better? Serious question. (Score 2) 230

> 2) Ease of Payment

2.a. Payment is handled via Uber, not the driver, and price is agreed ahead of time. No possibility for hidden charges, unapproved charges, sightseeing tours, etc.

2.b) Pricing Standardization. Ever been in a DC Taxi before they installed meters? They had a "zone" system and your rate was based on how many zones you crossed. Not familiar with the city? Good luck figuring it out. Every city has its own quirks and pricing games. With Uber, you know exactly what you're going to pay and how the transaction will be handled.

5) Convenience. No standing on the corner waiving your hands in the air. In a strange city where cabs aren't everywhere? How do you call one? How long will it take? Where are they? With Uber, you'll see where your cab is while it's on route and know exactly when they'll arrive.

Comment Re:An IDE? (Score 1) 355

Then it's good neither the AC nor phantomfive were making that argument, now were they?

If you read customer requirements as well as you show you read a two-line slashdot post, I shudder to think of what code quality your customers get.

Comment Re:Science precludes God and demands evolution? (Score 3, Insightful) 479

everyone talking about science believes creationism is wrong because God hasn't been scientifically observed, falsely concluding that this disproves his existence rather than fails to demonstrate it experimentally.

And by "everyone" concluding that, you mean nobody.

Did the billions of galaxies out there fail to exist 1000 or 2000 years ago because we didn't have the technology or know-how to observe them? Because that is what Nye and this article imply. The unobserved does not exist.

No, what it means is that anyone who talked about billions of galaxies 1000 years ago, was talking out of their ass, and making up crazy shit. Nobody knew there were billions of galaxies nor had reason to suspect there were billions of galaxies. And if by amazing chance, someone back then said there are billions of galaxies, they were being either stupid or dishonest (or both). Even if they just happened to be correct, I guarantee that their arguments for saying that, were no less stupid and no less deceitful, than their neighbor who talked about the world being carried by Great A'Tuin.

Yes, a god could exist, but we have no reason to think it might, and no reason to think we know what it's like, or what its name is, or how many there are, or how big or fast or smart they are, whether or not they love or hate gays, etc. But mystics just pile the bullshit on top of bullshit, in an enormous pile, ignoring that even the first piece stunk. It's no less crazy than talking about unicorns, and saying it's wrong is no crazier than saying someone's ideas about the existence of unicorns is wrong.

Pick a card, any card, but don't say it out loud.

I know what card you picked. You picked the three of hearts.

Was I right? There's a 1/52 chance I was right, but a 52/52 chance that I was fucking lying. The truth is that I didn't have the faintest idea what card you would pick, and if you listen to my bullshit about how I know what cards people will pick, you are not on the path to learning anything, except maybe about how good I am at slinging bullshit. After all my bullshit, you still won't know anything more about cards or how to predict what card people will choose. It is empty of knowledge.

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Software production is assumed to be a line function, but it is run like a staff function. -- Paul Licker
