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Comment Re:Inconceivable! (Score -1, Flamebait) 119

No, it is the Republicans that don't want the poor and minorities to be allowed to take the tests. The College Board is run by hard-core Republicans like David Coleman who is the person that created the Bush crime family's common core standards meant to destroy public education in the US. It is notable that children are able to fight back and hold their own against the Republicans.

Comment Re:All branches of the government are corrupt (Score -1) 229

When I lived there, a Republican was claimed to have gotten just over 20% of the vote. Think that really happened? Hell no. The neighborhood paper went door to door after that, and they couldn’t find a single person that voted for their kind. The Republicans committed massive voter fraud to get those numbers.

Comment The Republicans will never allow this (Score -1, Troll) 125

The vast majority of these callers are run by Republicans. That why they call several times a night on the night before elections to all of the nonracists to keep them up so they'll be less likely to vote. They control the FCC so they'll never allow the FCC to slow these calls down. They don't want normal people to vote, and these robocallers are just one tool in their toolbox. It might even be more effective than their rules that don't allow minorities to get state IDs then their kind wants to require a state ID in order to vote.

Comment Re:Fuck the Urkainian morons (Score -1) 752

You are correct. The Ukrainians decided to do this because they are so racist. They hate Asians. My Ukrainian friends on Facebook are all celebrating the death of the (to use the words their kind keeps using) "little brown" people just as they celebrated genocides in Africa. I was in Odessa when news of the Rwandan genocide broke nearly twenty years ago, and the clubs were packed with people celebrating. A couple of the women in the office where I work wore blackface out that night. That is what they do. They are racists so they decided to kill a bunch of mostly Asians.

Comment Re:Who couldn't see this coming? (Score -1) 300

That price must be with benefits and vacation. Also, keep in mind that QA people don't make nearly what devs do which is the reason I left that team. When I worked on that team, the pay was $20 without benefits and vacation, and it was $16 with health insurance, dental, two weeks paid vacation each year, gym membership, and a few other benefits. That was in 2002.

Currently, my roommate makes $46 per hour w/o benefits as a contract SDE at Microsoft. My last job offer from them was $40 w/o benefits as a program manager level II. Microsoft doesn't pay that much. If they did, they could have a chance of making better software.

Comment Re:Why not fight against Internet voting? (Score -1) 30

I believe you when you say that the 16% number is a scam, because if there were that many of those people around you then you would move! 16% is almost one out of every six people! If that was true then that means as you walk down the side walk, every sixth person you pass on average is one of those racist gun owners. That can't be true. Their kind is so violent and has so many guns that it is dangerous to live near them. In my neighbourhood, the HOA collected our mail-in ballots, and not a single person voted for a Republican for a national office. I live in a safe place. I can't believe the Republicans that rule here thing we believe that 16% garbage. They insult us by accusing us of voting for morons.

Comment Re:Hoth (Score -1) 34

Considering the article states that this planet has an estimated surface temperature of 352 Fahrenheit, it would make Hoth seem like a tropical resort, considering warm blooded animals like Tauntauns were able to survive on the surface. Hoth would have been more like the Antarctic, around 70 Fahrenheit by comparison.

No, the article said the planet is colder than Hoth.

And this is the type of garbage the moderators vote up to a +2. This site is dead.

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