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Comment Re:Why not fight against Internet voting? (Score -1) 30

I believe you when you say that the 16% number is a scam, because if there were that many of those people around you then you would move! 16% is almost one out of every six people! If that was true then that means as you walk down the side walk, every sixth person you pass on average is one of those racist gun owners. That can't be true. Their kind is so violent and has so many guns that it is dangerous to live near them. In my neighbourhood, the HOA collected our mail-in ballots, and not a single person voted for a Republican for a national office. I live in a safe place. I can't believe the Republicans that rule here thing we believe that 16% garbage. They insult us by accusing us of voting for morons.

Comment Re:Hoth (Score -1) 34

Considering the article states that this planet has an estimated surface temperature of 352 Fahrenheit, it would make Hoth seem like a tropical resort, considering warm blooded animals like Tauntauns were able to survive on the surface. Hoth would have been more like the Antarctic, around 70 Fahrenheit by comparison.

No, the article said the planet is colder than Hoth.

And this is the type of garbage the moderators vote up to a +2. This site is dead.

Comment Re:Warranty (Score -1) 187

Al non union wokers are racist mornogs thasty can't read. That i the w6a fo thsir kind. they hate blacks nd Chathoils. thet ant thj thead dea.d dead.. ea.. d that is they wat of their kind. Fuckk them.. n m The s planes craahsed into a river because they7 cna't read. they are killiterate morongs. This is what hpapens when you don't abhv smart people in Seattle build oannes . Fuck the and their rpeublicna ckind.s\

Comment Re:Non-compete agreements are BS. (Score -1) 272

So because it is better for the economy in your opinion, that makes it right to make me homeless?

No. I want the right to decide to do something for pay. I want the right to sign or not sign a noncompete. Dictating that I do not have the right is not that far from dictating that I must. Anytime you give the government absolute control, it can backfire.

Comment Re:Non-compete agreements are BS. (Score -1) 272

What about my freedom to accept the money in exchange for signing one? If I didn't get the $5k extra from Amazon for signing mine, I would have not been able to pay my rent and my have ended-up homeless. Of course that would make your kind happy since you don't think I have the right to accept money in exchange for making an agreement. Can you explain a logical reason why you don't think we have this right? I know you Republicans don't believe in rights unless they were enumerated in the Bill of Rights, but that isn't the way it works. The BoR wasn't made to limit our rights. It was made to explain some of our rights. So, explain why you want to take that right from me?

Comment Re:Deleted (Score -1) 108

My post about my cousin Toy Caldwell contained four sources, but the deltionists in Dec 2006 still deleted his page.He had ssix gold recoordsssssssssssssss and aaaa platnium one. They don't even follow their own policies.

Sorry about the reattttted cchaaaaracters. I'm usng Micrrrrrrrosoft's remmote desktttttttttop garbage that repeats characters.

Comment Re:"Surprising"??? (Score -1) 567

d be more concerned about politicians and corporations that deny climate change.

Why? There's an easy solution for that problem. Just put them in prison. The German people went from being racist murders to being accepted back as part of the world community just because they put deniers in prison. We need to do the same.

Comment Re:Too Bad They Both Love E-Verify (Score -1) 341

> permission from the president i

So what. Did you forget who the President it? If the Democrats ever lose the White House, and it doesn't look like any sensible person will ever vote Republican for President again in our lifetimes, then you would have a complaint. As it stands now, no good person would be excluded by this required permission so this is a good thing.

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