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Submission + - Now here's a trailer for a trailer (

wassomeyob writes: In the wake of the frenzy over the latest Star Wars trailer, we have this: a peek at the trailer for the upcoming trailer for the new Terminator movie. With frame-by-frame analysis to come, I'm sure.

Submission + - Gangnam Style surpasses Youtube's 32-bit view counter 1

neoritter writes: The Korean pop star PSY's viral music video "Gangnam Style" has reached the limit of Youtube's view counter. According to Youtube's Google+ account, "We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met PSY. "Gangnam Style" has been viewed so many times we had to upgrade to a 64-bit integer (9,223,372,036,854,775,808)!"

Submission + - Most planets in the Universe are homeless

StartsWithABang writes: We like to think of our Solar System as typical: a central star with a number of planets — some gas giants and some rocky worlds — in orbit around it. Yes, there's some variety, with binary or trinary star systems and huge variance in the masses of the central star being common ones, but from a planetary point of view, our Solar System is a rarity. Even though there are hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy for planets to orbit, there are most likely around a quadrillion planets in our galaxy, total, with only a few trillion of them orbiting stars at most. Now that we've finally detected the first of these, we have an excellent idea that this picture is the correct one: most planets in the Universe are homeless. Now, thank your lucky star!

Submission + - Woman confirmed able to trigger 'out of body' experiences at will ( 1

wassomeyob writes: A University of Ottawa Professor of Psychology has been studying a woman able to elicit extra corporeal activities at will. Though he acknowledges that this is an hallucination on her part, study of her brain activity confirms that this is more than wild imaginings. She reportedly came to be adept at the practice at an early age in her efforts to fall asleep.

Submission + - Quebec language police target store owner's Facebook page (

wassomeyob writes: In Canada, the province of Quebec has their Official Language Act of 1974 (aka Bill 22) which makes French their sole official language. It has famously been used to force business owners to modify signage to give French pre-eminance over other languages. Now, the Quebec language police seem to be extending their reach to Facebook.

Eva Cooper owns Delilah in the Parc — a shop in Chelsea, Quebec near the Quebec/Ontario border. She received a letter from the language office telling her to translate everything posted on her store's Facebook page into French.

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