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Comment Re:Fool me once, shame on you... (Score 0) 252

But when you invest in gold, you're trying to avoid the huge ups and downs of the stock market. Correct me here, but gold value tends to increase in a recession and decrease in a boon, and in a boon you can simply get a job to recoup the losses. To me, it's a choice of being safe or _possibly_ rich.

But I have schizophrenia and live with my parents, so it's sort of a moot point. :)

Comment Re:Ha! (Score 0) 127

Inflation is bad when it's caused by people because those people then have power over you. What gives you the right to decide someone's money should lose value simply because they want to sit on it and not invest it?

Comment Re:Ha! (Score 0) 127

So you're saying there was no economic growth back when everything was either bartered or money was precious metals? That's so fallacious I'm not even going to bother trying to Google proof.

Currency exists so that powerful people can fuck with you. Period. If it's not backed by gold or something else, but simply on someone's reputation it doesn't deserve to be trusted.

Comment Re:Bye Apple products (Score 0) 128

Bias and objectivity are very similar. Objectivity is simply approved of bias.

It's like prejudice, we have to have prejudice to survive but it can get out of hand. People say prejudice is wrong, but if someone decided to make a fashion statement by wearing a cloth stocking over their head, there aren't a lot of people that would approve.

Comment Re:"to an accuracy of 10 cubic kilometers" (Score 0) 183

Reread the summary. The 10km number is just for the initial example. It later goes on to talk about Plank length and how much energy it would take to store the locations of objects down to a Planck length.

The most interesting thing I get out of this is that the universe apparently fails to use compression to store the locations of things.

Comment Re:But, but, you're using logic and science (Score 0) 328

The problem is you're using logic and science to argue with people who still believe bullshit WOD propaganda like the "gateway drug" theory.

They're not interested in facts, statistics, or scientific evidence. Like fundamentalist religion people, they've made up their mind and anything that disagrees with their predisposition is a "lie".

What's your beef with fundamentalist religion people? We can totally be reasoned with, but calling us idiots because we disagree doesn't count as being reasonable.

You have to realize that not everyone agrees on what the core truths of life are. When someone believes in a Supreme Being, they don't approach life the same way.

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