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Comment I guess they mean... (Score 0) 245

The battery market that only people who don't like science never knew existed. Which means they probably aren't reading this article either.

Sooooo, we're being told we never knew the market existed even though the vast majority of people who actually read past the headline did indeed know it existed.

Thanks for wasting my time samzenpus.

Oh, and btw, great name, makes you sound like a frickin' genius when you have the word pus in your name. I have an excuse, since my last name is lterally Goatcher, samzenpus doesn't really sound legit unless you're foreign and didn't understand what you're getting into.

Comment Re:If the Grand Ayatollah's against it.... (Score 0) 542

OMG, off-topic, but I'm so glad you said that. I have been insulted by so many people that make claims about US law without even sitting down and reading it. I wish more people would understand the US is supposed to be a nation of written law and not one run by random asshole judges.

Comment Re:No: They Can't (Score 0) 258

I hate democracy, and I'm thrilled that the US isn't one. We're a constitutional republic, a nation of written law. Or, at least we're supposed to be. I'm pretty sure case law is technically illegal, but people accept it because the people before them did. People don't give a damn what the law actually says, and believe the lie that it's just a mishmash of laws and you need a Harvard education to understand it.

It's not hard to read US law, just tedious. It works a bit like a computer program, assuming you don't believe the lie that case law is law.

Comment Re:Agreed (Score 0) 266

Well, it's easier to say God doesn't exist, than to say that He does. If we simply believed something with no proof, than why are we willing to take shit from so many people we meet in life that think we are fools? Slashdot likes to brag about things like using the scientific method and requiring proof, but the proof that God exists is intangible. You can't point to something and say,"There, that's God," but He's still present. He changes people, He changed me.

But He WILL NOT reveal Himself to someone who doesn't want to have an encounter with Him. Saying that Christians(I'm still on the fence about some of the other religions) are simply fools indicates that that person wouldn't respond in a positive fashion if God showed Himself, so He doesn't.

Comment Re:Seriously? (Score -1) 62

Okay, dumbass, let's see you use the scientific method to prove evolutionary theory correct. Surprise!!! You can't do it because it deals with things that can't be absolutely proven.

Claiming that creationists don't understand science is ignorant and bigoted, and yet it happens every day.

Fuck you and your judgmental, self-serving attitude. Christians do have brains and do have the ability to reason, and your insults don't change the fact.

Go right ahead and persecute us with your insults, it only makes us stronger.

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